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Mark's P. O. V

"What about your favorite...color?" I asked Jackson.

He was sitting across from me at the table that we were both seated at. The smell of coffee and freshly baked bread surrounded us.

"What is this? The first grade?"

I rolled my eyes, "Fine, why don't you ask the questions?"

"With pleasure. Let's see.... What's your favorite flower?"

"What kind of question is that?"

He chuckled and picked rose from the vase that was placed in between us. He held it up, looking at me.

"I think your favorite flower is a rose."

"Why would you say that?"

"The rose is beautiful, but also quite dangerous. You, Mark Tuan, are both."

"How am I dangerous, yet beautiful?"

"Your attitude is dangerous, and I don't think I need to answer the beautiful part. I don't know if you've noticed, but eyes follow you everywhere you go."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever."

He placed the rose in front of me, "You are Mark, and trust me, if I wasn't your boyfriend, I'd have my eyes on you too."

"My what?!"

Some people turned to look at me. I gave an apologetic look and looked at Jackson.

"Since when?"

"I thought we started dating when I was pleasuring you in bed the other day."

My cheeks turned red, "Shut up. You were not pleasuring me."

"Really? Then why were you moaning-"

"Jackson, shut up!" I sighed, "Okay, fine, you're my boyfriend, but we're not announcing it or anything."

"Of course we're not," he looked out the window, then at me.

"So, when did you find out you liked me?"

"Oh my gosh, can we talk about something else besides this?"

"Not really, I want to know when you started to fall for me."



I picked at my nails, "If I'm being completely honest with you, it was the first time you walked into the classroom. I was just being a jerk because.... "

"You saw how much attention I was giving you?"

"Maybe it's something like that."

Jackson laughed softly, which caused a few emotions to run through me. I looked up at him.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, you're just too cute for your own good."

Jackson's P. O. V

I watched Mark blush at that, he hid his hands behind his hands.

"Shut up."

I smiled, enjoying this game of teasing Mark.

"How can I not say you look cute? You're wearing a white oversized sweater. Which to me, is adorable and cute."

He shook his head, and lowered his hands from his burning face.

"Knock it off Jackson."

"Why?" I asked chuckling.

Mark's eyes widened a little, then he looked down cursing. I raised an eyebrow.

"Something wrong?"

"Jb just walked in."


"By the door, don't look."

I turned around and saw him standing by the door, looking over at our table. I cursed and turned back around.

"I thought I told you not to turn around," Mark hissed.

"Hey guys, I thought I recognized you," Jb stood next to our table smiling.

"Oh, hey," Mark said putting a smile on his face.

"So, what are you two doing here?" he asked.

"Oh we're..... Well you see we.. Um Mr. Jackson has the answer."

"What? I mean.... Yeah, we're um...just discussing Mark's behavior in class."

Jb raised an eyebrow, "Mhm and is Mark learning how to act in class?" he asked.

"Yeah, totally."

"That's good, we wouldn't want Mark acting up now would we?"

Mark smiled, "What are you doing here Jb?"

Jb sighed, "I'm actually here to talk to Jackson."

Mark frowned slightly, something flashed in his eyes, and then it was gone. I looked at Jb.

"Yeah sure," I stood up and looked at Mark, "I'll be right back."

Mark nodded, not bothering to look at me. I frowned slightly, and followed Jb outside. Jb stopped and looked at me.

"What the hell are you thinking?" he asked.


"Sitting out in a public place with your student? People may think that something's going on between you two."

"Well, there's nothing going on, I already told you."

Jb crossed his arms, "I'm not falling for that "discussing his behavior in class" shit Jackson. Only an idiot would believe that. Also I saw the way you were looking at him."


"You are breaking the rules and the law Jackson."

"Didn't know this world has rules."

"Three rules for everything." He pinched the bridge of his nose, "Listen Jackson.... Whatever is going on between you and this student, it needs to end, now."

"If there was anything going on between us, then I would but there's not."

Jb pointed a finger at me, "I'm not an idiot Jackson. You're going to do something that's either going to get you in trouble. Or end up hurting both of you. I suggest you end it."

He smiled at me, "Have a nice day," he said walking to his car.

I rolled my eyes and walked back into the building. I walked over to Mark and sat across from him.

"Hey sorry about that," I said.

Mark looked at me frowning, then he stood up.

"I have to go, my brother needs me."

"O-oh okay, well I can drive you-"

"No, I'm okay. I'll take the bus. Bye Jackson."

He was out-of the door before I could say anything else. Maybe it was really urgent. Then a thought sent through my head. Mark doesn't have a brother, so why did he lie?

Why do you guys think Mark lied to Jackson? Maybe he's hiding something? I don't know, guess you'll have to find out. See you in the next chapter! Bye.

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