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"Excuse me?" I asked.

He smiled, " I'm sure you heard me."

I pulled my arm out of his grasp.

"First off, you're what 29?"

"I'm 24 thank you very much."

"Okay, second off I don't even think of you like that, like at all. I find you a huge pain in the ass."

He chuckled, "What are you talking about? I said I came for you because it's still raining outside, and I know that you work here," he explained.

"What are you, a stalker?"

"No, although I'm surprised you think of me trying to hit on you."

My cheeks turned red, "I don't think of you trying to hit on me, it's just the way you said it."

He chuckled, "Okay, well I would never think of trying to have any type of relationship with a student."

I rolled my eyes, "So, are we done here?"

"I don't know, it depends if you think still trying to hit on you."

"S-shut up, I get it okay? Now, can you leave now?"

"Not without you."

I groaned, "Fine, just give me a minute to finish up."

He nodded, I sighed as I walked to the back of the cafe to make sure that everything was straightened.

I cursed myself, what was I getting myself into?

Okay so I already don't like this book and it's the fifth chapter. I've been thinking about doing a vkook fanfiction instead. I wanted to know what you guys think. Do you want me to continue with this story?

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