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Mark's P. O. V

I stared out the window, not really paying attention to anything the teacher was saying. Jackson made me go back to school today because of the work.

I sighed and wished I was anywhere but here. It wasn't long before the bell rang, ending this class period and starting the next one.

The good thing about this class was that I had Jackson. I mean Mr. Wang. I walked down the hallway just another student among the other students. I rubbed my eyes and pulled my hoodie over my head.

I kept my gaze lowered to the ground as I took my seat. Jackson came in looking a little red in the face. Hmm. He set his bag down, than did attendance.

"Alright everyone, for today you guys will have a day to catch up on any missing work you have."

Some people cheered, I sighed in relief. Good, now I can catch up on all the school work I missed.

I'm not going to lie, I was feeling a little something when a girl asked Jackson for help. She stood at his desk, a little to close for comfort if you ask me. And the thing that really annoyed me was that Jackson didn't scoot away.

I lowered my gaze on my paper and continued to work.

It wasn't long before the bell rang, I was the last student there. I had to put all my papers in my folder. I felt arms circle around my waist.

"You okay?"

I nodded, not looking back at him. I put my things in my bag, then removed myself from his grasp, and walked to the door.

"Mark, you should come over -"

"Sorry Mr. Wang, but I have a lot of work to catch up on."

"Mark what's-"

"I'll see you later," I hurried out of the classroom and made my way down the hall.

(Sorry it's short, it's all I could think of. Also it's late and I need to rest now. I'll try to make the next chapter better. Thx for reading guys! Means alot. Okay good night)

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