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Warning: Smut and long Chapter.

Mark's P. O. V

I thanked Jackson as he handed me a sandwich. It was good, just a normal sandwich haha. Everything felt a little awkward right now. I wanted to ask him why he kissed me, but I couldn't get the words out of my mouth.

Then again, he probably does it to other students. I'm no different, I mean that's what he said right?


"Huh?" I blinked out of my daydreaming and looked at Jackson.

He smiled, "I asked you if you wanted to watch a movie."

"O-oh yeah, sure. "

"Great, what do you want to watch?"

"Hmm, you can pick, you're the host."

"But you're the guest."

"But it's your house."

"Well you're staying here as long as you like, so you can pick."

Damn, he got me there. I sighed and stood up, looking through his movies on his shelf. He had romance, drama, sad, horror, comedy, teen fiction, he had everything.

"Hmm, I don't know, you have so many," I said.

"Just pick one Markie."

I blushed at the nickname, I'm so happy that I wasn't facing him. I looked through the movies some more and picked one, then put it in and sat down next to Jackson.

"Wait did you pick?" he asked.

"Howl's Moving Castle," I replied.

I loved this movie, but I had a secret crush on Howl, I mean he is good looking. I love the way his blond hair falls into his beautiful blue eyes. In my opinion, I think he looks better with blue hair.

We were halfway through the movie when I started nodding off. It wasn't the movie, I loved it. It's just that I'm really tired, I haven't been sleeping lately and it was catching up to me.

I pinched my arm, trying to keep myself awake and looked at the screen. It was at the part where Howl takes Sophie out into the beautiful meadow. I wonder what that would be like.

The beautiful music playing from this scene made me more sleepy. I closed my eyes, and fell asleep.

Jackson's P. O. V

I felt a small weight on my shoulder, I looked over and saw Mark sleeping, his head on my shoulder. I smiled a little and paused the movie. I didn't want him to miss any of it.

I brushed the hair off of his forehead, then pulled my hand away when he stirred slightly. I looked at my watch, it was already seven. Maybe I should get him home.

I moved slightly, his eyes opened and he looked at me.

"Jackson.... "

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."

He sat up and rubbed his eyes, then stood up. I didn't have time to question him because he grabbed my sleeve and walked me upstairs. I had no choice but to follow him.

We walked into my bedroom, he closed the door, and let go of my sleeve.


"Be quiet, I'm tired," he said walking over to my bed and laying down.

He laid down on his side and looked at me.

"Are you going to lay down with me?" he asked.

I wanted to so badly, but I had to refrain myself. I may do something that he won't be ready for. I can't do that to him.

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