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Guys, this story is coming to an end quickly. And by that I mean that this is the last chapter. Enjoy guys!

I sighed as I wiped my hands on a towel. I was preparing myself to tell my Mom. I've been thinking about it all last night when Jackson dropped me off. All the possibilities that could happen when I finally decide to tell her.


"What is it sweetie?" she asked setting plates down on the counter.

"Um... There's something I've been meaning to tell you but I-"

"Your gay."

"How did you know?"

"I'm your Mom, I know everything. Like that Mr. Wang character."

"W-what about him?"

"That day he came to tell me about what your father did... Well, he sounded very protective."

"H-he's a teacher, he's supposed to sound like that."

"I know the signs when someone likes someone else. And I'm okay with whomever you date just.... Not someone who's five years older than you."

"Wait, so... You don't want me to date Mr. Wang?"

"I'm sorry sweetie, but think about it. You'll be graduating soon, then going to college. I don't know what Mr. Wang plans to do after you leave... But he could get in really big trouble if word got out that he was dating a student."


"He could get sent to jail Mark. The police will think that he sexual harassed you, which he didn't. It's a new rule in this world and you have to follow them. So please, for your own happiness and his, don't see him anymore."

"Mom, I can't just not see him. I love him, I don't think you know how hard it is to leave someone you love."

"I do actually. Listen sweetie, just... Think about what's best for the both of you."


After the talk with my Mom, I have decided what's best for Jack- I mean..... Mr. Wang. I had walked to the park and sent him a text telling me to meet me here. My mom was right in a way, I didn't want Jackson to get in trouble but I didn't want to break things off with him.

"Hey Markie."

I looked up to find Jackson- I mean Mr. Wang standing in front of me. He took a seat next to me and brushed his knee against mine.

"So, what did we need to talk about?"


He chuckled, "You'll have to be a little more specific Markie."

Markie. My nickname. It sent butterflies through my stomach.

"I think... We should stop-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Mark."

"Huh? But you didn't know what I was going to say."

"You want to stop seeing me right? Well I'm not going to let that happen."

"You don't really have a choice Jack- Mr. Wang."

"Don't Mark."

"I don't want you to get in trouble, so I'm doing this for you." I stood up and bowed, "Goodbye." I walked away from him, second guessing myself. What if this wasn't the right idea?

"So what leaving me is doing the right thing for me?" he called making me stop. Some people started staring which made me embarrassed to be on the spot of attention.

I looked at him,"It's the best option."

"Did you come up with that conclusion on your own huh?! I already know the consequences Mark." He started walking over to me until he stood in front of me. "I know what I'm getting my self into."

"And I know that I'm going to be held back by you because of what I feel so please.... Let's just stop Jackson. We're done." I walked away again, but his yelling stopped me.

"Fine I guess we are done. I guess I'm tired of holding people back just because of what I feel for them. And I'm saying this right now Markie. I fucking love you and I'm not letting you go!"

I spun around sharply on my heel and walked over to him jabbing my finger in his chest. "It's not your decision Jackson! I want you to be happy and-"

I was cut of when he snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me to him, locking my lips in a kiss. I put my hands on his chest to push him away, but instead of doing that I pulled him closer deepening the kiss. After a minute he pulled away and looked at me.

"You make me happy Markie and that's all I need. Your all I need. I love you."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and hugged him breathing in his scent. "I love you too Jackson."


(Three Years Later)

It seems that since I turned 18 three years ago, the rules of Jackson and I dating had no effect on me since I was practically an adult. The police couldn't do anything about it. Not only that, but I made it into college, and Jackson has stuck with me. He's not a teacher but him and I live in an apartment together. My mom was happy to see us together after we explained to her what happened. She said she was glad that Jackson was fighting for the person he loves.

I haven't seen or talked to my dad in those three years that have passed and I don't plan on it either. Being 20 has its pros doesn't it?

"Want another strawberry?" Jackson asked holding it up.

I smiled, "You can have it."

"Are you sure? This strawberry could be the best out of all of them and you're just giving it away to me."

I chuckled, "Yes you can have it."

He bit into it and looked out over the scene from the grassy hill that we were sitting on. This was our twelfth date this month, we have at least that many dates each month.

"Hey, look at this."

I looked down to find him picking a rose near the base of the tree we were leaning on. The rose was a light shade of pink, it was beautiful.

"For you."

He held it out to me, I took it and smiled. "Thank you, but what is it for?"

"Think of it as my love in a single rose."

I smiled and leaned against him, he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer into his side.

"All the roses in the world can't compare my love to you Jackson."

I felt his chest move as he chuckled, "I love you Markie."

"I love you too Jackson."

I looked out at the sun setting slowly behind the mountains, making the sky change into beautiful colors of oranges and pinks. There's so many ways that love can be expressed but Jackson expressed his love in a single rose and that's something that I'm never going to forget. Because that rose changed my life for the better.

The End.

That's it guys, Love In A Single Rose (Markson) is over. I'm sad to see this story over already. I really enjoyed writing it for you guys and for myself. It helped me think about some things but anyway, I'm glad you guys have stuck through with me until the end.

And think you for the future readers who come across this book. I wrote it for fun. Hmm.... I think that's it... If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to message me. Thank you guys again! I love you! 🌹

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