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"So, what did he say?" Yugyeom asked.

School was finally out, Yugyeom and I were walking to work. I shrugged my shoulders.

"He said that he'll move the detention date to Friday."

Yugyeom smiled, "Ohhhh, so Mark is going on a date with Mr. Wang is he?" he teased.

I frowned, "It's not a date, it's detention."

"A date on Friday in detention," he replied raising his eyebrows, smiling.

I rolled my eyes, "No, it's not."

We walked into the cafe, where we worked at, and went to the back. We both grabbed a pad and pen, and went to go take orders.

"Whatever you say Mark, but I know it's a date."

"Oh my gosh Yugyeom," I sighed.

I walked over to a table and took their order. Yugyeom started flirting with a guy that seemed interested. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him.

"Yugyeom take his order."

"I did, he said he wants me."

I sighed and shook my head. I walked back over to another table and took their order. Today was going to be a long day.


I was wiping down the table when I heard the door open.

"Were closing," I said not looking up.

"Can't I have a drink at least?" the voice asked.

I looked up and saw Mr. Wang standing there. What was he doing here? I mean, isn't it enough that I have to see him at school? Now I have to see him at my job?


I started wiling down the tables again, he walked over to me.

"I thought you couldn't deny a customer's order."

"I'm not denying it, but we're closed."

"Well, I see that you're still here, so you must still be open correct?"

I glared up at him, he smiled at me.

"Fine," I snapped.

He took a seat, I sighed as I walked to the back of the counter to make him something to drink.
Yugyeom raised an eyebrow at me.

"Making yourself something?"

"No, it's for Mr. Wang."

"Mr. Wang, as in Mr Wang the teacher?"


I poured the liquid in the cup and put a top on it. I walked back out to the table that he was seated at and handed him the cup.



He leaned back in his chair and looked at me.

"Not only do you need to learn your classwork, but you need to learn manners too."

"I'll see you guys later," Yugyeom said walking out the door.

What a traitor.

I glared at Mr.Wang, "You may be able to tell me what to do in class, but right now you're on my turf."

He chuckled, "What are we werewolves?"

"If you're done being a smart ass, then get up and leave. You already got what you came for, so leave," I snapped.

I walked away, but he grabbed my arm turning me to face him.

"Actually, I didn't get what I came for."

"What did you come here for then?"


Okay, so how was this chapter, better? Worse? You don't care, you just like to read? Alright, thx guys!

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