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"So, I can't scare you away huh?" Jackson asked.

After that embarrassing moment that I shared with Jackson and his brother, Jr just decided to get a ride from one of his friends. Thankfully, he thought our relationship was really good and was working well. But in all honesty, I have my doubts. I still haven't told my parents.

I wonder how they would react to their son dating a twenty-four year old guy. Anyway, I decided to cook something because in hungry. When I get anxious I tend to start cooking. It helps calm my nerves.


"Even if I turn old and ugly and wrinkly?" he asked taking a cupcake off the tray and licking the frosting off of it.

"First off, no. Second off, stop licking the frosting off the cupcake, it's weird."

"In what way is it weird?" he asked licking the frosting off of his lip.

I looked down on the cupcake I was working on.

"Can you just stop eating them?"

"But they're good, you should try."

"No thank you, I-"

My face was turned upwards, then I felt the feeling of soft lips on mine. I stood in surprise, but quickly recovered and closed my eyes leaning into the kiss. Jackson put his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with his hair.

He placed a trail of light kisses down my jaw and to my neck. I bit my lip as he nibbled around my skin.

"Mark, where's your sweet spot?"

"Wouldn't you like to know."

"Yes I would."

It wasn't long before he found it, I let out a gasp, he chuckled.

"Found it."

He started biting and sucking that part of my neck.

"J-jackson, don't put a hickey there people will see."

"Good, so they know that you're taken."

I pulled his hair lightly as his hands traveled underneath my shirt. He groaned.

"Damn it Mark, tell me to stop."

I blushed upon hearing that. It made me happy to see him losing control of his actions because of me.

"Tell me why I should."

He looked at me, "If you want to be able to walk tomorrow then you'll stop."

I ran my finger up and down his neck. He tightened his hands on my hips.

"Fuck it Mark, I'm taking you."

Sorry it's short

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