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Mark's P. O. V

After the incident with Mr. Wang, I've tried to avoid him as much as possible. It's hard to do so when I actually have him as one of my teachers.

But I'm sure I can handle it, I just have to walk in, listen to music, keep my gaze away from him, the leave after half an hour.

I nodded to myself and walked into class just as the bell rang. I took my seat and put my earbuds in. I didn't see Mr. Wang so maybe he was sick.

After a minute, he walked in. Well, there goes my idea of Jim being sick. He walked in wearing a white dress shirt, and a black tie, along with black pants and shoes.

His hair was a little messy, which made him look more attractive. Wait, did I just say attractive? I quickly looked down so he wouldn't catch me staring.

I hope this period goes by fast, because I really don't know how much more of this I can take.

(Time skip to lunch)

Jackson's P. O. V

I couldn't help but get the feeling that Mark was avoiding me. When I looked at him in class today, he had his head down and for once he was actually doing his work.

Which added to my suspicions, I mean don't get me wrong, I'm sure Mark is very smart. But, it's kind of surprising to see him doing actual work. The only thing I couldn't figure out is why.

"Maybe he got a scolding from his mom," Jb said.

We were in the teachers lounge during lunch. Jb, a teacher that works here and one if my closest friends, was sitting across from me eating his lunch.

"Maybe, but he was quite today, and he's not really that quiet."

"I have Mark as well, maybe he just decided to get his act in check. That or he's probably really tired."

"Why would he be tired?"

"You didn't know that Mark has two jobs?"

"No, I know he works at a cafe down the street from here."

"Yeah, his other job is doing models hair, lucky. And then he has the cafe thing, and not to mention all the homework that we pile up on him. And not only that, but he sometimes stays up really late."

"How do you know all this?"

"One of his friends is in my class. There was a day when he walked in looking like he hadn't slept in a while. I asked one of his friends what was wrong with him and he told me."

"Now I feel kind of bad."

Jb show his head, "Don't sweat it, we'll just give him some time to catch up with school work. It won't be long before his smart ass mouth comes back."

I chuckled a little, the thing is that I really do miss his smart ass mouth that would get him into trouble. The bell rang, ending lunch, and starting classes again.

"I have him next class period, if anything happens with him, I'll let you know."

I nodded as he stood up and walked to the door. He stopped when he held the doorknob in his hand, then looked at me.

"Hey, why are you worried about him anyway?"

"He's my student, I worry about him."

More like I care about him, more than I'm willing to tell. Jb nodded and smiled.

"That's good, I'll see you later."

I said my goodbyes as he left, I sighed and stood up stretching. I did tell him the truth, but I'm wondering if Mark is just a student to me.

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