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You know what I hate most when you walk into a classroom late? Everyone stares at you, it's all like what the hell are you staring at? I hate when people do that, looking at me like I have something on my face.

That's what happened when I walked into class late. I was deciding if I should come or not, maybe skip, but then I'd get in trouble. Like I care. I walked into the my second period classroom, I skipped first period because I didn't really want to see Mr. Wang.

Memory of the incident that happened yesterday rushed through my head. What did he mean by I'm more than just a student to him? Maybe he likes me? I mean, he did kiss me on the cheek, and if I'm being completely honest, he does look cute.

I could feel my cheeks turning red, I shook my head, clearing it. Come on Mark, get a hold of yourself. Mr. Wang is just a teacher. After I was done convincing myself, I walked into the classroom.

The teacher had his back towards me, so I walked past him quickly heading to my seat.

"Late again Mark?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes, and turned around forcing a smile. Jb frowned. I call him Jb because, you know, why not? I mean that's his first name and he doesn't like when students call him that, but I like to make people annoyed.

"Jb you're looking nice today, new haircut?"

"Drop the act Mark, why are you late?"

"Because I slept in, and then I was thinking about whether I should skip your class or not. But being a responsible student (Yeah right) I decided to show up."

He frowned, and faced the board, "Take a seat Mark, and take out your assignment."

I snorted and took a seat, assignment? What assignment? Hmm, assignment....oh yeah the one I didn't do because I didn't feel like it. Yeah, I was going to do it really, but...i was tired and had a long day yesterday.

I looked at the board as Jb wrote down words and sentences and all of that nonsense that I didn't care for. I took out my phone and put in my earbuds, listening to music.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who does this when the lessons boring. This was so boring, I mean I can just walk out of class.... Yeah, I'll do that, I don't have to stay here.

I stood up, slung my bag over my shoulder, and walked to the door ignoring all the stares I was getting. Okay, what is it with people staring like seriously.

"Where are you going Mark?" Jb asks.

"Just taking a little break is all," I replied.

He knew I was lying because I've used that card before, but he just nods.

"Make sure you do the homework."

"Will do."

I smirked when I saw some of the students expressions. It was mixed with shock and jealousy. I made my way down the empty hallway, listening to J-hope's new mixtape. I'm sure I broke the repeat button, but you have to admit, he's pretty awesome.

A hand on my shoulder caused me to jump and turn around. Mr. Wang was standing there, smiling. I took out an earbud.

"Oh, it's you," I say frowning.

"What's that supposed to mean?"


"Why aren't you in class?" he asked crossing his arms over his chest.

His biceps looked big, the suit he was wearing seemed a little too tight. I looked away, and shrugged.

"My teacher let me out."

"Mhm, sure, well I'm guessing that you decided to walk out of class."

"Why would you think that?"

"Because that's what you tend to do, there's always something to talk about in the teacher's lounge."

"Hmm, so you talk about do you?"

"What can I say, you're the hot topic right now."

I felt my cheeks turn red, I turned back around.

"Well stop it, that's creepy."

I walked down the hallway, but Mr. Wang called my name. I groaned and turned back around.


"Since you're free right now, how about we move the detention date, to right now."

I thought about it, doing it today would mean that I'm free in Friday and I can just relax. I nodded.


He smiled, "Come on then."

I followed him after a minute of hesitation. Might as well get this over with.

Yaaaa, that was actually a fun Chapter to write. It was a little boring though Hehe. Anyway, what do you think is going to happen in detention?

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