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I managed to avoid Jackson all day, and now I was heading home. I didn't mean to ignore him but I was still pretty angry at him for what he did earlier.

I sighed and continued down the hallway, only half paying attention to my surroundings. What if Jackson hated me after this? What if he never talked to me again? What of he hated me?


I jumped slightly and saw Yugyeom standing behind me. He had dyed his hair blond. In a way, it looked good on him.

"You're jumpy aren't you?"

"Sorry... It's just..."

"Listen, don't forget about the party on Friday. It's a Bambam's house starting at eight."

I nodded, "Is that all?"

"Pretty much, if you need a ride I can give you one."

"No, that's okay. I can manage."

He frowned a little, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, go ahead. I'll be there for the party."

He seemed convinced and nodded. "Alright, bye."

I waved bye as he hurried out of the front doors. I sighed and walked out of the doors.

Right when I opened the front door to my house, I just remembered that I forgot to give Jackson my homework that I had finished today. Well... I could always give it to him tomorrow, but then I might forget again.

I sighed and walked out the house, might as well give it to him now. The good thing about Jackson's house is that it was only a couple of blocks away from my house. I started walking down the sidewalk, hands in my coat pockets to protect them against the wind.

What was I going to say when I saw him? Wait, I wasn't going to say anything at all. I mean, I was just going to go hand in some homework, then leave. But still, what if he asked me questions that I didn't want to answer.

Then don't answer them stupid.

Shut up, no one's talking to you, I snapped.

Oh great, I'm talking to myself that's just great. I think I'm really messed up in the head. I mean first it was the whole dating Jackson thing and now it was me talking to myself. Someone please help me.

Before I knew it, I was standing in front of Jackson's front door. Time flies when you're arguing with yourself. I sighed and held up my hand to knock, but froze.

Knock... Just knock.. Why aren't you knocking? I don't think you know how to knock. (Any guesses as to where that's from? 😁)

I decided to ring the doorbell instead, then waited. A minute later the door opened to reveal Jackson.....shirtless. Oh great, he looked pretty good looking. His skin was tanned and he had a six pack coming in. He looked-


I snapped my eyes to to his, then blushed and looked down at my papers. Right, the homework.

"I came to give this to you."

I held them out, he took them and looked through them then back at me.


"Jackson who's at the door?" a voice asked further into the house.

I froze, it sounded male. And older.

"Come inside Mark, its cold out here."

"I'd rather freeze to death then see some other guy who was probably naked in your own house," I mumbled.



I stepped in and past Jackson. He smelled good, not that I was smelling him.... It's just that his scent smells nice. Oh gosh now I sounded like a freaking werewolf. Kill me now. Listen, he just smelled good okay?

"You can put your coat on the coat rack."

I shook my head, "I just came to give you my work, not to stay around and see you with some guy."


I blushed at what I said, stupid mouth you're always getting me into trouble.

"Mark, I-"

"Jackson, can you please hurry up?"

A guy with black hair and blue eyes came around the corner and stopped.

"Mark, this is Jr. my brother, Jr. this is Mark."

Brother? Ohhhh.....im stupid and I just said....

"It's nice to meet you," Jr. said holding out his hand.

I shook it, "Same."

I lowered my hand.

"I hope my brother didn't scare you away,"Jr joked.

"No, he could never scare me away."

Jr raised an eyebrow, "Is that so?"

I looked down, "Yeah."

I could feel Jackson's eyes on me, Jr chuckled and patted Jackson on the shoulder.

"It looks like you got yourself a keeper."

Love In A Single Rose (Markson)Where stories live. Discover now