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Mark's P. O. V

I watched as Jackson bent his head over my arm, putting bandages around it. I felt like I was just bothering him, he has to worry about me, and I didn't want that. His hair brushed against my arm lightly, it tickled.

I wonder what I would do if I didn't meet Jackson. I mean, he's nice, smart, loving, funny, he's everything to me. I don't know why I'm thinking this, but I just am. I love him so much and it caused me getting hurt to realize it.

A tear slid down my cheek and fell on my arm. Jackson stopped and looked up at me.

"Mark, what's wrong? Did I hurt you?" he asked.

As if he could.

"I'm sorry I'm such a bother to you. But -*hic-* if it wasn't for you, I don't know what I'd do. I-i love you so much and it took me getting hurt to figure that out. I... I just.....i want you to stay with me Jackson."

"Hey, hey, hey calm down. Where's this coming from? I won't leave you Mark, I never planned on leaving you."

His words only made me cry harder, he cared so much about me and how do I repay him? By being a jerk.

"Why does loving someone make you feel so happy?" I asked.

"Because," he sat down next to me, "you're realizing that you love someone else with all your hurt. That you want to be with them all the time. You want to protect them."

I sniffed, "Love doesn't exist."

Jackson glanced at me, "Why do you say that?"

"People say they love you.... But it's a lie. They end up hurting you more than they loved you."


"I don't want to give you all my heart, because all it will end in is heartbreak Jackson and I don't want that. I love you so much that it hurts. But....but I'm afraid okay? Loving someone..." I couldn't finish what I was saying because I was crying.

(Guys I'm seriously crying right now. What I'm writing right now is true, because I've been in the same situation. Someone loves you for a long period of time, then they call it off. It hurts a lot. )

"Mark, please don't cry," he hugged me.

I buried my face in his chest, crying. He held me tighter.

"Mark, all guys aren't the same. I love you with all of my heart okay? I am never going to hurt you. Why would I break your heart when you only have one? I don't know who hurt you, but I'm not like them."

I looked up at him, "Are you sure?"

He kissed my forehead, "Positive."

I don't know what got into me, but I leaned forward and kissed Jackson on the lips lightly, then pulled away. Jackson looked at me and smiled. He leaned in and kissed me back, then pulled away. He brushed the remaining tears off of my cheek.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore."

"Can we just sit here and enjoy each others company?"

He smiled and nodded, setting the first aid kit on the table. I laid down and put my head in his lap. He leaned back and played with my hair. My eyes started to close slowly, it wasn't long before I feel asleep, Jackson's fingers still running through my hair.

Ahhhh, it's short I'm sorry guys, forgive me 🙇. This is all that came to mind last night, sooo yeah. How was it though? Next chapter will be better.

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