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I have been a nobody for so many years, invisible to people who I secretly ached to be noticed by. I'm a good girl some would say, I study hard, come home from school on time, and do what I am told. I have one best friend Oliver, we grew up together, he stays across the street. Oliver is gay a secret slut really but as sweet and loyal as they come, we were two misfits that clicked somehow and we have been inseparable ever since we started school. I don't know what is wrong with me, guys don't notice me, ok so I don't take my appearance as seriously as the rest of the girls at school or hell as we call it, but I guess that's why I have never been kissed let alone had a boyfriend. I mean I have black hair and green eyes, and a fair complexion, I love to run so I keep in shape, but I suppose my lack of confidence is what made me a loner.

It's been a long journey, I'm so glad high school will be over soon, I graduate today with Oliver, and I attend university soon, I was accepted to Harvard, I want to become a doctor a general surgeon, help children. Oliver is studying law there too, we are getting an apartment off campus and couldn't be more excited.

I haven't even gotten to the best part, we are obsessed with the metal band The Wicked, they are incredible, we have been to a few concerts over the years doing summer jobs to pay for tickets. We both come from wealthy families, but my parents are strict, like army based strict disciplined people, so it was always our secret to sneak to concerts.

I was adopted as a baby so I never met my real parents, but my adoptive ones are loving even though they treat me like I should be in bubble wrap, but they believe in working for what you want, so I work for everything. I have no siblings, so attention is all on me, which can be a bit tiring, being the perfect child, but one escape was The Wicked, their music is so touching, and speaks to me.

The lead singer is Storm Michaels, the hottest man alive, dark brooding eyes, long black hair, a perfect tan and body to die for, he is about twenty-one and one of the most sought after men on the planet. I can safely say I have the hugest crush on him, in love with him and it's sad I know, then again who wouldn't be. It's fun to fantasize about being Mrs Michaels, but who am I kidding he would never want a girl like me, plain Jane, just boring. My routine has been to come home from school do my home work, eat supper and haul ass to my bedroom watch Storm and his music on You Tube for hours, his voice transports you to a different universe. I'm the ultimate fan girl, singing my heart out and have a blast till it's shower and bed time.

Well today I'm graduating, I'm leaving with Oli and my parents will meet us there, they don't let me drive even though I have a license. Quite frankly I'm surprised I can go to Harvard and have my own apartment with Oli. The day goes by slowly and finally the time has come, we are free of this place. "Bitch we need to celebrate tonight! Party!"

"Oli you know that's not my scene," I answer sighing.

"I know, but I got us tickets to The Wicked's concert, their final concert in LA! We are going out in style VIP baby!"

I'm shocked, "it's been sold out for months! How did you get those?" I asked excitedly, and slightly in disbelief.

"I'm Oliver Jackson, I do the impossible!" Oliver answers and I burst into a fit of laughter.

We go for lunch with our parents and tonight I will "stay over" at Oli's so we can go to the concert. We go to the lunch and it's pretty boring but we indulge them, we will be leaving in two days to get settled in our own place, the only thing our parents will pay for. I'm so excited, I have been to many concerts but never been VIP before. I take over some clothes to Oli's, I need to look my best for tonight, "are you ready for the best night of your life Ems?" Oliver asks smirking.

"Bring it on!" I say with a sassy tone.

Oliver looks over to me, "I bought you an outfit, you are not wearing that sad jean and t-shirt to meet Storm! Go try it on." Oh dear this could be bad.

The Wicked : Storm Michaels Book 1Where stories live. Discover now