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We wake up the next day, and Oliver's parents are really cool with us doing what we want, they are very much free love and hippie like. His mom brings us coffee, "thank you aunt Doris, I think we really need this," I say with sigh of relief.

She smiles and hands us pain killers, "you two look terrible, there's breakfast down stairs, and you both need to get your things ready, you leave early tomorrow." We nod knowing we look like death and laugh.

I help Oli pack his things, "I can't believe you got to kiss Storm you lucky bitch," Oliver says and I laugh.

"Well it's not like I will see him again, he's very intense, but it was amazing. He's just so gorgeous and deep, atleast one day I can say I kissed a rock star," we laugh and carry on packing. After we get done at Oli's we do my room and pack all my stuff, it's quite late and we decide to go for pizza. "Hard to believe this is the last time we will be eating at Gerry's Pizza." I say feeling nostalgic.

"I know, a whole new life awaits us, Ems, we are going to have a blast." Oliver says pulling me out of my funk. We laugh and clink our cokes. We part ways and I head to bed as we have an early flight in the morning, as planned we want to get settled in over the summer before we start classes, and find jobs.

We arrive at the airport, and we say our goodbyes to our crying parents. The flight is long, and we sleep for most of it, finally arriving in Boston, there's a car waiting for us to take us to our apartment. We couldn't be more excited. "We made it honey!" Oli cheers.

"A new chapter Oli!" I say equally as excited. We arrive at our apartment, it's quite big, it has three bedrooms and on the fourth floor of the building, not far from the University. Our things have also arrived, our parents had the apartment furnished, which is awesome. We literally just have to work for food and utilities, the place is paid for, lucky for us. So we unpack our things in our new bedroom's, and we decide we need take out. Now I won't lie, we are well off, both of us, but we want to work for what we have, and will only use our trustfunds till we find jobs. We order Chinese food and put on some movies, we are utterly exhausted, it's been a long day unpacking.

It's about eight at night and our doorbell rings, "strange, nobody knows where we live," I say a bit shocked.

Oliver gets up to answer the door, and I stay on the couch. "Delivery for Emily Richard's." I hear the man at the door. I get up and go over to Oliver, where I sign on the delivery man's board. He pulls out from the side a huge bunch of red and white roses. I'm so confused, Oli too. I take it give him a tip and walk inside to find a vase, "Ems who are they from?" Oli asks.

I shrug and take the card out nonchalantly and read it out loud, "Congratulations on Harvard 'Dr Richards' and the new apartment - Storm."

I stand dumbstruck, Oliver has a huge naughty smile on his face, "are you sure you didn't do more than kiss this guy?" Oli Jokes.

"Positive, I have zero idea why he would send me flowers." I answer in shock. I'm sure it's nothing, why on earth would he be interested in me? I know I didn't swoon over him because I simply didn't stand a chance, what's the point in sending me flowers?

We go to bed and the next week we job hunt and I land a Hostess job at a swanky restaurant, it's something. I will be working nights so I can attend my classes in the day, Oliver got a job as a barman at the same restaurant but we won't be on all the same shifts, it pays well and we will be saving for the summer, so we can live comfortably. I am putting away a bit extra for a car though. I don't want a hand out from my parents or to use my trustfund.

It's been about three weeks and we are loving the new life. We have been working for a few hours, I take a break to have some dinner and I check my phone, I see a message from a number I don't recognise. I open it nonchalantly, probably just junk mail.

The Wicked : Storm Michaels Book 1Where stories live. Discover now