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I arrive at the hotel fifteen minutes later and Ken kindly walks me in. He opens a door to a private dining area and I see Storm get up and walks over to me, "Good morning beautiful."

"Good morning," I say shyly, and Storm gives me a quick peck. He takes my hand in his, I feel that electricity again, and we look at each other, Storm whispers, "I feel it too Em." I blush, and he walks me over to the table, "Emily these are the other members, Jill, Dom and Carter," he says pointing to each of them.

"Nice to meet you all," I say politely, they all nod in return.

Jill pipes up, "finally another girl, nice to meet you Emily," Jill says with a smile.

"So this is why Storm is in such a good mood," says Dom.

I blush even more and Storm stares at him coldly, Carter sits laughing, "I'm Carter, you're a looker," a flirt I see.

"Carter don't," is all Storm says, and he backs down immediately.

They are all friendly and we all chat during breakfast, although Storm sits quiet, I figured he's not much of talker. They all seem shocked that I'm studying at Harvard, but definitely love my career choice, since they apparently do alot of charity for kids. They are all so normal for a Rock band.

I excuse myself to the bathroom and Jill comes with me, "I must say I'm glad Storm has finally met someone who caught his attention, he is extremely picky, you're definitely keeper," Jill says quite straightforwardly.

I'm a bit taken back, "thank you Jill, that's really sweet of you to say."

"We had no idea why we had to come a day early, Storm just booked the flight, now we know why and we are fucking delighted." Jill says chuckling.

"Does he not date or have girls around?" I ask prying a bit.

Jill seems quite open and answers immediately, "nope, not as far as we know, women throw themselves at him but he doesn't take the bait, usually has security throw them out or taken away, as you have noticed he isn't much of a talker. The boys joke he needs to get laid, but that's just boys being boys, that is why we are so surprised to meet you, first woman he's ever technically introduced us too." I  ant help but blush again, this is crazy.

"I'm just not sure why he chose me," I say honestly.

Jill looks at me concerned, "why not you? You are a beautiful woman, confident, smart and nice."

"I am so far from the popular girls type, I'm more of a loner, quiet myself," I say with a sigh.

Jill crosses her arms, "maybe he senses something in you, must be loner thing," she winks.

We finish up and head back out. He watches me walk to the table, Jill is really sweet, for a hard core rock star.

We all have some coffee and chat some more, Storm gets up and answers his phone, must be on vibrate, "Press? How did they know we are here? Fine we will leave through the back, no pictures of her, I want her privacy respected as long as we can," he says into the phone rather seriously. Storm then turns to me, "Em the press are outside, I will walk you to the back entrance so you can be taken home, Ken is waiting, I will see you tonight?" I nod and he continues, "I have rehearsal so I will text you later." Storm walks me to the back and sees me to the car, and plant's a soft kiss on my lips deepening it a little, he places his forehead on mine, "see you later Em."

I arrive at home, lucky nobody knew me or saw us together, I get home past eleven am and Oli has left for his shift. I fall onto the couch, I can't believe I just had breakfast with The Wicked, Storm is interested in me, flew here early to see me, and we are having dinner tonight. I think I need to go shopping, I need a dress for tonight, I could so use Oli right now, I groan. I will fill him in later, I use Oli's car to go to the mall, I find an amazing store, I buy a black dress, short, low cut V neck, three quarter sleeves, tight fitting, with a broad belt across the waist, it's perfect, I get some stiletto's to go with it.

The Wicked : Storm Michaels Book 1Where stories live. Discover now