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We have a shower and get settled in, neither of us have time for contacts and we wear our glasses, we both can't see properly. We decide to go explore a bit. "I have a car ready and picnic basket made up, I thought we could take a drive to the countryside." I say excitedly jumping up and down.

"I love that idea." We get ready, I put a Jean on, long sleeve white top and a brown warm jacket, with brown riding boots. Storm puts his hair up in a make shift bun, wears a long sleeve black t-shirt, black jacket and jeans with sneakers. We get in the car, a BMW SUV, and we take a drive. A sunset picnic is going to be amazing, we arrive to the beautiful countryside and take out blankets and pillows and set up the picnic with little lanterns. "Love this is the most perfect thing anyone has ever done for me, you know how I like these simple moments," Stowm says genuinely happy.

"It's only a pleasure, I love you so much I want to make you as happy as you make me," I genuinely mean it.

We pack out the picnic and eat and laugh, and cuddle in the pillows under a thick blanket and eventually look at the stars and tells me of their unsuccessful attempts in the beginning of their band days and their awful auditions, until they got their lucky break, it's some really funny stories. We have hot chocolate and there's a little fire, and he turns and stares at me, "you are the most stunning woman in the world, inside and out, and I love you so much Emily."

"Oh Storm, I love you too, make love to me." We take off our big jackets and brave the cold, we lay under the thick blanket by the fire hidden away, we make out and I slide my hand down and massage him as we kiss, he gets on top of me and grinds into me, never breaking his kiss.

He sits up undoes his pants and helps me pull mine down, "success one leg free," I joke and we laugh.

Storm kisses me with so much love, and I feel him and he begins to move, "this is going to be quick love," we move against eachother.

I'm climbing quickly, "Storm don't stop!" He goes harder.

"I love you Emily!" and we both climax, it's so amazing I literally see stars.

We get dressed, it's a bit late, almost twelve am, we pack up the car and make our way back to the Hotel. We reach the hotel at eleven fifty pm. I asked the hotel staff to fill the room with black and silver balloons, a white and black chocolate cake saying 'Happy Birthday Dark Prince', and to bring up the wrapped up guitars, it's wrapped in silver paper with big black ribbons and some candles around the room just for light when we walk in and non alcoholic champagne.

We make our way up, "tired baby?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "not so much," must be the different country I think, or he's excited for his birthday for the first time. Last year I got him a cake and a Rolex because he didn't want to do anything. We walk to the room, and it's exactly twelve am, I hand Storm the key nonchalantly and he opens the door saying something, but I'm too excited to listen, I'm at my limit. He opens the door looking down and then he looks up and stops dead in his tracks and sees a banner HAPPY BIRTHDAY STORM! He looks around the room taking it in and I'm recording everything, "Oh my God angel."

"Happy Birthday my Rock n Roll Prince!" I say loudly.

I place the recorder down on the mantle to record everything, he turns to me and he picks me up gently kissing me, "this is crazy! Thank you angel, I love you so much!"

The candle is lit on his cake and I sing "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Stormy, happy birthday to you!" He blows out the candle and I switch the lights on, "what did you wish for?" I aso curiously.

"Wait till tomorrow to find out." Storm says winking. I laugh, I pour us 'champagne'.

I want his band family to see this sweet normal side of him I only get to see, wearing glasses, no glossy stuff, "ok big boy, time for gifts," I say excited. I pick up the camera and place it on the vanity, he walks over to the bed and sees two wrapped up boxes, he opens the one, "rip it," I say impatiently, he laughs ripping it open.

The Wicked : Storm Michaels Book 1Where stories live. Discover now