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We pull up to my apartment, I muster up all the courage I can and just ask, "would you like to stay over? I mean I know I'm not ready to have sex now but.."

Storm smiles at me, "sure, I will just let my agent know to send a driver in the morning." I beam, and we walk hand in hand up to my apartment.

I unlock the door to find Oliver on the couch, at a loss for words. "Oliver this is Storm, Storm this is my best friend and brother for all intents and purposes, Oliver."

Storm shakes his hand smiling, "so nice to finally meet you Oliver."

Oliver finly finds his voice, "you too Storm, it's a real pleasure." Storm looks like he wants to burst out in laughter.

"Well Oli, I will see you in the morning," I say like it's no big deal, he nods and gives a cheeky smile. We head to my bedroom, "don't worry Storm, you can trust Oliver, I do with my life."

He pulls me close, and he starts kissing me, deeper than before, he runs his hands down my back, my body is on fire. He stops for a moment, "don't worry, we won't do anything, I just want to kiss you all over, I just want you in my arms."
I think I melt on the spot. He picks me up like I weigh nothing carries me to the bed, we lay there making out and every touch, every caress is amazing. We just lay kissing for what seems like hours, it's so intimate, he moves to my neck and the top of my breasts, I feel his hand run up my thigh, but it stops there. I feel his long silky hair tickle my neck. Then he stops, he whispers on my ear, "I think we need to stop."

I nod, "ok." He's so respectful, "well I'm going to get changed, make yourself comfortable, climb into bed, be back in a minute."

He smiles. I go to my closet, I put on black hot pants and a red silk tank top, I do want to look good, I take off my make up and put my hair up. I come in and he's sitting on the bed waiting for me absent mindedly flicking through some tv channels, he doesn't see me though. I just stand at my bathroom door looking at him, sitting in his black boxers, tattoos on both arms to his shoulders, and one on his chest, the man has abs for days, "would you like anything to drink?" I ask, and he looks over to me and he has no expression, his mouth hanging open, he shakes his head, I nod, I walk over to the vanity and take out my contacts, and put my glasses on, if he wants me he has to see me every way.

I feel his eyes on me, I turn around and he falls back on my bed, covering his eyes, "fuck, you're killing me!"

I giggle, "come on you need sleep, you have a concert tomorrow."

We climb into bed, and he pulls me close to him, I can barely breathe, this is unbelievable, he plants a kiss on my lips, "you are so beautiful."

I kiss him back, and he runs his hands down my body, he climbs on top of me his hair like a silky veil around us. He's between my legs, I can feel his excitement, and boy is it big. His hand brushes my breast and it finds its way under my silk top, a moan escapes me, my hands explore his back, it's so muscular. I run my one hand through his hair, and he presses himself against me slightly, making me gasp and I can feel his smile while he is kissing me, he stops and rolls over onto his side breathing out. He looks at me blue eyes to green, "let's get some sleep," he pulls me close spooning me and I feel a light kiss in my neck, "Goodnight babe."

"Goodnight my dark Prince," I say and he chuckles.

I wake up the next morning, and roll over to find him gone, and a note on my pillow, "I had the best time with you last night, I have an early rehearsal, see you tonight at the concert, text you later - S."

I make my way to the kitchen and Oliver is up, "morning Oli."

"Don't morning me! Spill!" Oli says as hands me a cup of coffee, I laugh.

The Wicked : Storm Michaels Book 1Where stories live. Discover now