5. Moonlight

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    Time was slow

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    Time was slow. His ears mute,  like he was deaf. His already blurred vision become just as worse from before. The vibrating from the audience, his own heart and quaking body almost gave out. He sure he was going to faint at any moment.

  His senses were brought back when the blond-haired fool stretched the arrow back and relaxed. The last arrow had impaled the wooden board- only inches away from his neck. He quickly peeled himself from the target board, away from the flaming weapon.

He ran towards the fool, at the same time, the crowd raved a loud cheer- some people even throwing flowers and nice things onto the sandy ground.

He glared at the smiling boy, with arms wide open ready for an embrace. Instead, he was greeted with a cold shove to the side. Holland called out to him, gripping his arm, Dino tore them away from his grasp continuing to stomp away.

   "C'mon its just a joke."

Dino spun around. "Just a joke? You just went Princess Merida on me back there."

Holland kissed his teeth bobbing his head. He held Dino into an embrace nuzzling his nose on his neck, making the shook boy tense. He shoved once again away from the intimate hug.

"Don't you know how scared I am," his eyes softened. "I could have died with at stupid trick of yours."

He walked away not giving the blond one a chance to say his words. He was enraged and emotional at the same time, he didn't know whether if he should beat the blonde from his head or just cry.

  His first day at Neverland turned into a regretting mistake of coming here in the first place.

"I want to go home," he stopped mid-way.

   "The show just started."

"And I want to leave." He continued walking not knowing where he is going exactly, but who cares as long as it is far away from this crazed fire show.

  He arrived in a darker and quieter part of the beach, where no other soul was in place. He sat on the sandy ground, digging his feet into the cool sand. The breeze was as perfect a cool summer morning. The ocean's tides swept up the back, returning to the ocean, leaving a wet sand behind.

He wished he had a nice beverage or so to accompany this beautiful, yet emptiness in his sight. The blond one took a seat next to him, stretching out his feet along the sand as well.

"This is my favorite spot to rewind whenever I don't feel like seeing anyone," he spoke. His voice smooth and watery like the ocean waves.

An empty silence lingering in the air. The only thing that relieved the silence was the annoyingly screaming people back at the fire show. He heard the blond one sigh.

"I was only trying to show off my archery skills, don't give me silence treatment," he whined, shaking his arm.

"Yeah, by almost killing me," attitude cascaded Dino's voice. He doesn't mean to come off as sarcastic or rude sometime, but it's a part of his nature. He just can't help it.

Holland snickered. "It's a custom that we Neverlanders practice."

"By almost indulging flaming arrows at people head?"

He smiled, moving closer to the boy. He could just feel the tenseness of his body taking over his system. He let his hand play and feel the cool texture of the sandy grain of the ground.

  "Today is when we celebrate our freedom."

Dino perked his head at him. His eyebrows were furred in confusion to what he means by freedom.

"You know, Neverland was not always what it is today...well," he trailed off letting the sand drop onto the ground.

Dino studied the blond one's face. He seemed to be recalling a certain memory to what is related to neverland freedom celebration. He wanted to ask but the sudden concentration and seriousness of his face made in awe.

A loud bang alerted the boys. They saw in the darkness of the sky, was an array of purples, gold, pink, whites sprinkled in the dark sky. Hollands face lit up when he saw the fire show performers and the locals appear from the distant. Another band followed, with another set of colors lightened the sky.

Dino was confused and then another wave of fear come over him. He shifted closer to the blonde boy who was too busy distracted by the fireworks.

The blond boy noticed the uneasiness the boy's face and pulled him closer to his chest. He soon felt the boy relax and melt into the warmness emitting from his body. They both admired at lights, the locals spread along the beach.

   Hula-hoop woman was slumped on the opposite die of them. She smiled the way people in the town smiled at him and Holland: frank and glad.

   "This truly is the best seat in the house."


Fluff is a must


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