14. Lie

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    The words echoed through his head as if he were to yell out in high alphs

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    The words echoed through his head as if he were to yell out in high alphs. He the cool breeze of the fall weather, the colorful trees dancing in the cutting through the tension of the two.

Dino looked straight into Hollands eyes who seemed to regret what he had just told him. Dino wasn't quite sure if this was just something Holland meant to say, but he knows one thing, Holland means what he says.

 Anger and betrayal swarmed his head as swarm thoughts made matters worse for the poor boys head. Dino is the type of person not to trust people so easily based on his own personal experiences and the fact that the evil side human nature will always seize an opportunity if it benefits them.

Dino knew from the beginning he shouldn't have trusted the mysterious man that approached him twice on that chilly rainy night. He only gave in because if the wonders and kindness. He should have known this was just his way of taking advantage of those in desperation.

Those words of motivation were all a plan to manipulate him into doing his biddings. Dino couldn't believe this.

"Take it or leave it, you'll never be happy there."

"You lied," Dino didn't know what to do, he did not want to look him in the eyes. He looked down to the ground. "All this time, you used me. You wasted my time."

Holland felt a pang of guilt in his heart, he knows the truth hurt but this is something he so unfamiliar with he feels like he has broken all of his bones. He never intended on using the boy, he was only showing is kindness and trying to help something that probably shouldn't have interfered with.

"I didn't mean to lie to, I was helping you and-"

"Why did you approach me if you couldn't grant what you promised!" he stomped his heel to the crunchy leaves underneath him. He wanted to do more. All he sees is tress, and ricks and leaves there was nothing to release his anger at, except the being in front of him.

"Dino, I did grant my promise, what are talking about?"

"Bullshit" the shorter one stood in the Hollands intimate space again, staring into his souls with his fiery eyes. He snarled at the older one's ignorant questions. "Just say it. Say you lied and your not the perfect person you carry yourself to be."

The older one was good at sensing people emotions, he felt that this was more than anger towards him, but also anger towards the younger one's self. He felt like he wasn't just talking to him, but also to himself in a personal way. Dino was more than just a passionate witty boy, he was someone who has hurt and still is hurting.

"Just say you can't be the affected person you are because you couldn't keep your words."

"Dino, look at me," he peered down at the boy who was staring at him in a fiery rage, but a shadow of regret underlying beneath his seriousness. "Happiness can't be gained from.... From a place like Neverland. It comes from those who cherish and accept you as you."

"It looks like I was with the wrong person all along," he left Holland alone, kicking a piece of rock in the midst of departure. He cursed under breath when the thing he kicked was nothing, but a piece of rock hidden under the pile of leaves.

Now was not the right time to smile. Holland did his best to hold in his smile. The same pain struck his heart again. His smile dissolved as he watched the boy in blue walk into the far distance. A part of him wanted to run to him and-

He shook his head at his delusional imagery. If he were to do that, who knows how the already over the edge boy would react. For now, he watched the only person who he'd shared so much about his mystery about himself fade away from him.

The logical thing for him to do is to give him some space. He'll cool down in time and Holland by then. He will make sure he doesn't everything in his will to grant that vague promise he wanted the boy to obtain. Even if it means showing him the other half of the secrets he holds.

He too must take a break from the younger one and process the very event that took place. With time, he'll spring up to his feet and make things right.

For now, they depart and heal themselves. 


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