23. Reunited

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A few chapters left

  "If you're planning on getting aboard that ship, you need to look the part," Bert said

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  "If you're planning on getting aboard that ship, you need to look the part," Bert said.

He was right. If they want to aboard that ship without getting caught, they'll have to look like those hooligans in trashy clothes. But there will they find time to look for convincing pirate clothes at this time of the day.

Dino is certain that the market may not have pirate's clothes on rock considering these fools caused majority of the chaos in their precious island. Why would they have clothing that reminds them of their oppressors?

The two boys docked behind the bushes when they heard chatter-rumbling noises from two beings. He raised his head above the bush to inspect who they could be. continently, they were pirates, who were intoxicated to a maximum degree that they stumbled and talked rubbish that came to mind first.

A grin formed on his face involuntarily, but he should get so happy yet since he has a plan to come forth at first. "Bert, you got any ideas?"

Apparently, Dino was talking to the wind because Bert was nowhere to be seen. He panicked, looking around the small bush as if Bert had scrunched into a miniature being. He stopped on his track when he heard a commotion from where the pirates are.

Of all the things Dino wanted to do to Bert, he wished those pirates would beat the crap out of him for his foolery. He tried to get the curly boys attention also by being discrete to the drunk pirates.

He was able to get his attention. For a split second.

He watched as the pirates were hugging each other with their yellow pearls showing on their bright grins. He shook Bert's hand. The two pirates bebang to strip which made Dino cringe in embarrassment.

"Put this on," Bert unexpectedly arrived quickly. He held a worn and tattered fabric which colors were the color of barf and mud. He did not like the idea of wearing someone's else's clothes especially if they were not he hygienic kind.

"How did you convince them?"

Bert had a golden wrapper thrown onto the ground. He smirked at Dino shook in head amusement. He couldn't believe he did something like that. No wonder he survived so long on the streets with dangerous people.

"Bert, you're such a dick." Dino put on the ugly worn leather belt around his waist.

"Why? I'm just appealing to my


Swords and grungy people in every corner of the ship. It mad Dino uncomfortable. He wouldn't put himself in a situation like this if he had to. Right now, he had to.

The two froze in their spot when they heard yelling. Dino's heart was beating through his chest in fear that their cover has already been blown after seconds of entering the ship.

Bert turned his attention to the railing of the ship and saw the two pirates from before.

"I'm telling you, I think we've got duped."

"Go home, your drunk!" they were pushed to the ground and threatened with weapons if they stepped closer to the ship. The two pirates rose their hands in the air and fled for their lives.

"What are you doing standing there!" A woman's voice who was scary as an angry Latina mother blared throughout the ship, terrorizing those close to her. "Get to work maggots!"

Dino took this an opportunity to sneak into the door that was waiting to be opened by someone. They entered a dark and stuffy hallway that lead them straight down the single hallway.

"I can't beloved the captain got a son, unbelievable."

"Yours right," another person said. "Poor girl. Probably was forced to be with him knowing the things captain has done in the past."

Bert pulled Dino into the space in the hallway. They stood still until the two pirates walked past them, talking about the pirates and his inhumane acts.

The two continued walking through the narrow hallway until they came across a very bored man standing in front of a door. If Dino could, he would have gone up to him and touched his face to see if he was real, considering how still he his standing. It reminded him of those royal guards in Britain.

"Hey there, you heard the Captain is throwing a drinking party for the success of capturing the prisoner?" Bert confidently approached the statue-like guard.

The guard didn't say a word a blink of an eye. It really sent chills down Dino's back even the radiant Bert was feeling a little creeped out. "Are you here for the next shift?" the guard finally spoke after a long silence.

"Uhh, yeah we were sent by the Captain to retrieve everyone on board for this celebration," Dino added into the lie, feeling somewhat proud of himself.

The guards stone cold facial expression was relaxed and glowing with satisfaction. He removed himself from the wall and stretched his limbs, groaning at the cracking noises from his tight joints. "That nice if the Captain."

The guards pass them the sword and patted Dino and the back. "Have fun boys," he happily walked to away for a disappointment once he arrives.

"We don't have that much time, how are we going to open the door?"

Bert latched onto the doorknob. "Why would they lock the door if a guard if already watching the door?" he twisted the nob and it creaked open.

Dino rolled his eyes but rushed into the room. His heart lifted to his throat when he saw Holland sitting with his legs pushed towards his body on the corner of the room. There is a thick chain attached to the wall, attaching itself to his leg.

Holland looked up with wide eyes as if he has seen something horrifying. His mouth was open to say something but then closed it and smiled.




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