12. Goons

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    The warm of the sunlight beamed on the sleeping boys face

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    The warm of the sunlight beamed on the sleeping boys face.  He was smiling in his slumber like a kid snuggling in their bed on a snow day.

Holland scooted over to his side and was startled by an empty spot by his side. He darted his eyes open, in panic. He looked around the messy room he called a living, the only thing that remained was the book page sticking to his face.

He looked around the house in a hasty manner, yet the boy was not found. He decided to get outside to the patio. There he wasn't there still.

"I'm telling you, sir, I'm not interested."

Holland had heard mumbling coming from somewhere, but close. He followed the mumbling sounds until he came across the boy with someone he shouldn't talk to.

"Dino," he quickly called. The boy stared at Dino and he used his eyes to tell him something. Almost like he was talking to him telepathically.

"Buy one, ill give you the other one free, promise." The 'seller' returned to his begging. The stepped closer to Dino, which sent Holland over the edge.

"Sir were not interested,can you leave...please."

Holland has to make sure he spoke to this man in a good manner, especially at a time like this because he knows what this man is capable off at this time. They had two option, buy the unwanted thing he kept in his pouch, and get into trouble or don't buy anything and face his aggression towards them.

His heart skipped a beat when he saw the man flashed a sharp silver blade, enough to cut with just one slash. "just take it, and nobody gets hurt."

The tone of the seller's voice had changed in a drastic unpleasing tone that sent shivers done his spine. They had to get out of her before something tragic happens. With just one second, he had punched the seller in the guts and ran for his dear life.

He stopped running when he heard a yelp behind him. His smile faded when he saw the seller had Dino, gripping his hand. He had the silver blade up to his neck, threating to slice his throat. Judging by the fiery rage in his eyes, he wasn't playing.

With his free hand, he threw the bag to the sandy ground. "You take it, and your friend can get with his head still attached."

Holland was in a dilemma. He wished he hadn't spent the night here, it wasn't intentional, he had to do what he had to do. He was only trying to be supporting a friend. To make his friend happy once. He saw how happy the boy was last night, it was a good feeling and he knows it.

He hissed as he had no choice but to take what he knows is in that pouch to save his friends life. It's the inky way to keep what he is hiding a secret.

Holland raised his hands up to his head. He took slow steps towards the front, keeping an eye at Dino who looked traumatized to make any movements. He bent down and took to pouch from the sandy ground.

  "I took it, now let him get."

The was a pause the man looked at the trembling boy and grinned. "Not gonna happen."

Holland gasped. He knew something would happen like this, and he was right. The seller isn't just a seller, he a part of a group that did devious deeds to innocent people. He looked down at the pouch, he wondered what could possibly inside this bag that would cause such a disturbance in his life.

He peeled open the bag and-

There a storm of gunshots and yelling people from the distance. "Where is he!"

The man hat held Dino captive eyes shocked in guilt. He immediately released the boy from his grasp and ran off without saying a word.

The two looked at each other and wondered what just happen but it didn't happen to care because they are lucky that one has their neck still intact to their body. Dino embraced Holland tightly, still shaking rapidly. They stayed like that for what seems to be an entire eternity until is ruined by the sounds of chaos again.

The gunshots and screaming came once more, sounding as if it took place right in front of his house. They wen tot eh front, peeping behind a tree. There were three goons Holland had seen before but wasn't sure exactly who they were affiliated with.

"If we find him I'm going to put a bullet through his head," one of them said.

"You shouldn't have left him in charge of that bag," the woman with red curls punched the other who threatened to bullet through the unknown man's head.

"How was I supposed to know he would run away with the pouch?"

Holland couldn't see their faces quite clearly, but he could tell that the woman is glaring at the other goon. "Because dim, he can't be trusted."

  "It's just a bag of junk."

"Its just not any bag my boy, it a bag worth of thousands," the third goon placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing the very flesh underneath his tattered clothes.

Dino shook Holland arm to capture his attention. "We have what they want, what are we going to do?"

He paused for a second thinking about his next move like playing the game chess, only this time, it is life or death depending on the next move he makes.

"I think we should just return it to them."

"Unless you want to die, then okay, let us just strut over there and hand them the bag without anything happening to us." Holland knew he was been sarcastic in a rude way, but he just couldn't afford another tragedy happening again. Maybe this time, something will happen.

He made up his mind. He will leave the bag in a place where the goons will easily find it. The best way is to hide it far away from his property and somewhere close to the beaches. Holland stepped away from the side of the house.

"What are you doing?"

"We're going home after I take care of this first."


I need to edit

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