19. Carnival

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  He awoke to the darkness of the space he was occupying

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  He awoke to the darkness of the space he was occupying. All he knows he is conscious and awake in the world he is familiar in. The nightmare he had still made his heart beat fast as he looked around the space he was in.

His eyes looked over at the sound of were there a small snore emitting from the other side of the room. His eyes adjusted to the darkness and found Holland sleeping on the bean bag chair he has in his room. Even if he couldn't see his face clearly in the darkness of the room, he could tell that the sleeping boy is resting peacefully.

He sat up slowly on the bed hissing at the numbing pain from his arm. He felt the precise wrapping of the bandage around his arm, that once was covered with an open injury, now safe and sound.

Dino was happy that he is well and safe and sound regarding the situation he was in before. He slid off the covers and planted his feet on the softness of the carpet. He tipped toed quietly towards the front door, unlocking the door slowly and as quiet as possible not to wake the sleeping boy up.

As he stepped onto the staircase, it made a loud creak scaring the bejesus out of him. He looked back to make sure he hasn't woken anyone up. Nothing. Breathing outing relief, Dino stepped down the stairs, suppressing the weight of his toes to reduce the sound of the creaking of stairs.

After an agonizing- what seems to be an eternity, he made to the main floor. He immediately went to the guest room, maneuvering his way around the inanimate objects. The best he could do now is to find the thing he came for.

The lights flickered on. Dino froze with his arm midway in the air, he felt like he was a teenager who was caught by a parent after staying too long at the 'library' without telling their parent that they actually went to a party instead.

"Dino, there you are," Holland groomed his hair instead of making it look as messy as before.

  "What are you doing?"

"I-I I'm thirsty," he stuttered trying to make his lie convincing.

Holland paused for a while, observing Dino like he wanted to ask him what he was doing in this part of the house of he was thirsty. He nodded lazily instead. "You go upstairs, I'll bring you some water."

Dino cursed under his breath. He really thought he would have succeeded in one try. He left the guest room as soon as the sleepy one left. Looking clear at the object he wanted before it vanished into the darkness again.


Children running while holding on the different colored balloon animals, along with sellers at their booth conversing with the costumes that help them make an income. The carnival was as lively as it could be. The high rides to the lo and the simplest of rides invaded every corner of the deck.

"Step right up, step right up for which one of you will be the lucky one in taking home a prize," an overly obnoxious man dressed ridiculously in baggy yellow striped pants, a purple dress shirt and a big black red bowtie, topped with a green top hat beamed at anyone who passed by him; repeating the same memorized lines that now seemed to be a part of his brain now.

"How about you young man, would you like to try?" the man held a giant hammer that looked more plastic with the bright colors painted on it. "It's easy. All you have to do is pummel the botton."

Holland nudged him at the arm like he had done to him back at Neverland.

Dino was hesitant. He didn't seem t be interested in winning a simple game made for children. He was only in it for food. "Just hit it and, if you here a ding you win," the man creepily stood by him almost whispering his words carefully and slowly. He shivered.

He took the hammer from the man already regretting it once he saw that the hammer wasn't plastic at all. He dragged the hammer and used all of the energy he has been saving up by sleeping all day as a cat and swung with his all his might. 

Dino cried out along with the sound of a dull thud followed by a loud ding.

 "Dino!" Holland helped him to his feet.

Dino doesn't know what happens with the chaos of the carnival, but all he is aware of is his arm isn't completely healed due with the dull pain alarming him to stop wearying out his arm.

"We have a winner!" the man arms up in the air. "Pick a prize any prize."

Dino pointed to the purple chubby looking animal whose face was turned away from him. He didn't care how it looked like he thinks it looks cute anyway, and it is the only large stuffed animal there.

"Oh look, it looks just like you." Holland teased, stilling on to him.

Dino rolled his eyes an began walking forth. Even if he was only here for food, he seemed to want to try the other games they have too. He was little kid throwing a baseball at the plastic jugs staked on top of one another.  The game looks inviting. 

Holland made an effort to stop Dino from walking away. The boy with the large hippo turned to him with an annoyed expression o his face. He could tell that Dino is hangry at this moment.

"Dino, come I have something to show you," Holland was uncertain at first. Something about his tone of voice and rosy cheeks creamed cute in Dino's head but he remained the bitchattude expression on his face.

"You'll like it, I swear," Holland put his hand on the small of Dino's back feeling the tension of Dino.

Holland himself has now he made many mistakes with his lies and secrecy. All he wanted to do is make things right.

"Whatever was going, it better not involves men in grass skirts, swinging fire at me."

Holland gave a cheeky smile. "It's not."

Didn't edit :p

~Didn't edit :p

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Cheeky ♡

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