24. He's Mine

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One more chapter  ^^

  "Quit wasting time googling at each other, and let's get out of here," Bert already started to try to get the shakes lose from Hollands ankles

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  "Quit wasting time googling at each other, and let's get out of here," Bert already started to try to get the shakes lose from Hollands ankles. 

Dino and Holland were in their own world they forgot that they were in a dangerous man's ship and at any moment going to get caught by ay potential pirates passing by.

"Dino, what are you doing here you know..." he looked down to the wooden floor. "You should have stayed home." 

Dino knows Holland is mad at him for what he had done to him. He must have taught that he had betrayed him by ratting him out so he could save his own skin. That not through; he was only trying to save those who he loves.

"I'm here for you," he cupped his face to make the shackled one look at him in the eyes. 

Holland adverted his eyes away, gazing at the curly one do his job unlocking the shakes. "If you love me, you wouldn't have done what you did back then."

He was fed up with everything. He didn't know what else to do. He didn't know what else he could do to show he loves him. If they end up escaping here somehow, he knows Holland might start to distance himself from him considering the thing he has done to hurt him. 

Dino disliked Holland somewhat in the beginning but know, he holds a great meaning to his heart. Without Holland, he didn't know how he could have helped light up his dark world. 

"Dino..." Holland was lips were smoothed by Dino who kissed him very passionately.  Holland was shocked by the abrupt action of the little one but he liked it anyway. He pushed his lips tighter against the softness and sweetness of Dino's lips. 

"This is not the time to have a make-out session, we have to go!"

The two lovers detached their lips from a very intimate minute of their lives.  "That was fast," Dino said out of breath.

"Every curly haired need a hairclip with them." Bert showed off the black bobby pin and placed back into his dense curls. 

The trio slowly crept along the too quiet hallway. Bert opened the door letting a small ray of sunshine enter the dim hallway. He closed it swiftly and wobbled around the small space he had. For someone who was overly obnoxious and confident, he was showing signs of worry. The dude was gonna break.

"We're screwed," he finally said.

Dino took alook for himself and slapped Bert on the arm. "We're not screwed. We can still make it out alive," he glanced at Holland who was staring intently at the new kind of Bert he is witnessing. 

They sneaked across the deck hoping nobody will notice them. They should after all because everyone is busy keeping the order in the deck than to observe anyone. Their goal is to find the lifeboat and row the fuck out of here.

"It looks like the mouse escaped with its bait!"

The three froze midst escaping the ship. The crew started at the three, not with hate, but with fear in their eyes. They formed around the trio, eclosing them in a circle of doom. 

Hook entered the ring of people, making every step worth the wait... "If you wanted to be a pirate, you could have just asked."

"I would never want to be like you!" Holland stepped forward clenching his fist. The crows flinched ready to protect their Captain. 

Hook glared at Holland, a hint of hurt expressed on his face as of he cared about what his son thinks about him and his lifestyle. "Have you forgotten your deal, son?"

The captain weaved himself closer to the trio how was watching their every back for a sudden attack on them. Hook brought his metal hands to Dino's grungy clothes. "You shouldn't have returned my dear."

Holland smatched his hand away from Dino. He hated how his father thinks he is entitled to touch anyone he pleases.  "Leave him alone and I'll do your dirty deed."

Hook snorted with a creepy grin on his face. "Very protective of the one that betrayed you I see," he ushered on of the men in the crowd they bring him something. The man shorty arrived with the wooden box from before. 

"I want you to activate it so I can get started on my rein over this land," he pushed the box in Hollands face. "Go ahead, son."

"Don't do it!"  Dino leaped in.  Holland was considering it but for he doesn't who knows what this father will do next. If he does, the only face Dino loves and those innocent people will be in danger.

"Tick tock, Holland," Hook cooed.

Holland shakily withholds the orb in his hand. He started at it, gazed at his father who looked eager, and finally at Dino and Bert. He took a deep breath and threw the orb down the side of the ship. "Now, Dino!"

Dino threw his sword at Holland how caught it easily. Holland faced his father whose face was read a tomato. "Know you've done it!" Hook used his hooked hand to block the swing of Holland's blade.

Every being watched father and son due to the death around the ring. Their sword fight was like it came to life from movies, with the intense clagging of their swords and the shuffling feet on the deck. 

Holland tired to strike Hook who docked under the staring wheel. Dino's heart heaved when he saw the struggling boy try to get his sword free from the thick wood. The captain took an opportunity to strike Holland. 

Holland had other plans in mind. He kicked Hook on shins which sent him flying on the staring wheel. The whole ship started to tip to the side with the wheel turning the opposite way. 

"Hang on!" Holland yelled mostly to Dino and Bert. He skidded down towards the way the boat was tipping. He hung on to lose rope for support while he stood on the deck. 

He searched throw the hectic crowd of people who were already hopping into the life boats of just giving on life and dipping into the ocean. He spotted Dino and Bert making their way on a lifeboat, which kept him peace knowing everything is fine.



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