13. Why?

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  Dino whined like a little boy who was rejected by his mom after he asked to get something from the aisle, but the mother ways not because it's a waste of money. (has that ever happen to you?)

"Comon, it's so beautiful this morning I just want to look around."

Holland knows what his answer will be to Dino, but he is scared to reject him again. He shook his head, after what happened and almost making It alive, he did not dare to bring out there in this state. He may whine all day, but its worth it. It's worth keeping the secret locked in his deepest part of his head.

By his house, there was a small cliff. And under the cliff was a little cave. From the outside, it looks like the dark hole might inhabit a strange creature attacking anyone who enters its territory or lead to a dead end, but to Holland it doesn't. It leads to a whole new world, only him and now Dino's knowledge.

Worry spread Dino's face when they approached the entry of the cave. "This is not the way."

"Remember that time you spilled your drink on your jeans?"

Dino nodded his head, he remembers the day Holland startled him when he was in his peaceful place in the entire town. He still feels horrible for spilling his caramel letter on his jeans. But that sandwich was still good. When he gets back, has to go get another for breakfast.

"I took this same passageway that leads me to were you were enjoying your lunch."

Dino let out a breath out, he has a lot of fears and going through a dark cave is one of them. "Fine, after  you promise we'll stay here a little longer."

"That I cannot promise you," Holland pulled dino along with through the cave. Dino removed himself from his grip staring at him perturbedly.

  "Why, it's just for a few hours."

  "You don't understand."

   "Then enlighten me."

Holland was not in a mood to argue to the brat. All he wants is to go back home to his uncle. He ignored Dino's demands and pulled along with him anyways. Dino was in fact in rage, he tried to remove his grasp from the impatient boy but stopped once they entered the dark cave.

The journey isn't far, just a few minutes and was in the world of cafés and modern buildings.

"I understand why you would want to leave a beautiful place." The boy had removed himself from his grip when they arrived at Dino's favorite place in town. He was dusting his clothes and hair from potential cobwebs that might have got caught on his clothes and hair.

Holland plucked a thin string from the boy's hair. "It's not as beautiful as it seems, Dino."

"I think better than this dump I call home."

Holland is a patient person when it comes to people but at this moment he's had enough. Ever since he met Dino he was intrigued by his witty personality, his amusing ways he reacts to whatever the universe throws at him, his pretty eyes and a nose that he is insecure about. He found everything about those qualities beautiful about him.

He's only been with him for about almost a month and he has caught up to his bad traits. He hates the fact Dino is so weak-minded when it came to the world. Someone like him may not be fully apart of this world, but he enjoys everything about this world has to offer.

Dino's rage, impatientness, and doubtfulness is what is keeping him in the internal unsatisfaction from life. Holland promised himself he will find happiness for him, but he didn't sure if this adventure os a way for him to obtain it.

"I don't care what you say, I'm going back," Dino pushed Holland at the side storming towards the same way they arrived from. "Sick and tired of everyone pushing me around with their own options."

Holland chased after him latching onto his shoulder. He was in no way letting Dino go back to that place.

"And you are not going to be controlling me any longer," he swatted Holland's hands from his shoulder so fast, it stung Holland a bit.

He wasn't giving up so easily. He has spent enough energy keeping dangers away from Dino that he isn't even aware of it. He thought about, Holland was eventually going to tell him but he no choice.

He blocked the angry boy's pathways, placing a hand on Dino's chest. His chest heaved up and from angry and breathing hard.

"Holland, when I want something nothing can stop me, so I suggest you step out of my way and nobody gets hurt."

Again, he wasn't making an exception, make him angry and possibly lose a limb, or let him go.

"You already know my answer, no."

He flinched when Dino sunk his head and shoulders, letting an exasperated sigh. He looked up at him with a completely new facial expression: A frown and wide eyes.

  Here we go

"Why?" he paused. "Don't you want me to be happy?"

Holland is doing everything in his power to keep the boy happy but it fades away whenever something triggers the boy. He's doing everything in his power to keep the boy intact, but right now this isn't the way.

  He knows what Dino is doing, he has seen so many people: men, women, children, and even animals make that face at whoever. That face of pure evil that will make you feel guilty and conform to their bidding.

"No, that enough for now."


He gritted his teeth, he was really about to lose it.

"Why," Dino stepped into his intimate zone, of their bodies touching too close for comfort for Holland. He is used to initiating skinship, but he isn't in the mood for this. He could feel the breath of the shorter one on his face. "Why?"

Holland pushed Dino away from him in such sudden manner.

"Because Neverland isn't real!"


Please pardon any grammar mistakes

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