21. I Trusted You

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Book ending soon

  Holland awoke suddenly, feeling a sensation of emptiness beside him

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  Holland awoke suddenly, feeling a sensation of emptiness beside him. He rose from the couch, rubbing his glued eyes and viewing the deep depths of the darkness of the living room. He must have known that his uncle turned off the tv while he was in dreamland.

He turned on the light to light the small living room but saw that his guest was not on the spit he last saw him. He wandered around the main floor looking for any life other than him lurking in his house. It was empty, only the sound of a low rumble coming from upstairs. Must be his uncle dozing off.

Holland walked into the guest room with the feeling of something off down his guts. He looked around the dim room and froze. The spot in which there was something onto of the fireplace was gone. He cursed under his breath realizing what has just happened.

"That boy," he ran to his room to make sure. "Is he serious?!" He grabbed a sweater and ran down the stairs, still quietly not to wake his uncle from his sleep.

After all, he has done for him, is this how he repays him? From The beginning, Holland was skeptical of Dino the other night. Since the beginning when he invited him to his house and showed him his vulnerabilities He took advantage of that and ran with it.


The house was silent as the night that cast over Neverland. He unlocked the door and braced himself for what he is about to do. Tiptoeing in the house, there was emptiness and a menacing vibe that lingered in the air.

The lights turned on. Holland immediately froze in his spot, his heart starting to pulsate. Something tells him that the coast wasn't clear.

"Glad to your back," the chair spun around, with the face of evil smiling at him in a mocking way. He was sitting on the chair with a book on his hand, and Dino on his lap looking scared of his life.

"The rest of the book was going great, except for the ending." He glanced at Dino who flinched at his attention to him.

  "What are you doing here!"

Hook paused, tapping his silver hand on Dino's thighs. Every tap od that so-called hand of his handmade it an excruciating wait for Holland.

"The way you talk to me sometimes, son" Hook rose from the seat, Dino sitting still on the seat with regret expressed on his pale face. Hook walked slowly in the same exhausting manner as he was tapping on Dino's lap. "Why are your crude towards me?"

"You know the answer," Holland replied.

Hook smiled again raising his hooked hand to pat Holland's jaw. The cooling sensation of his hook did not make him flinch at all it made him almost throw up knowing the things he has done with that 'hand' of his. "You look just like your mother."

Holland has had enough. Every moment here, anything can escalate into something tragic if he doesn't act quickly and get Dino and him out of here. He snatched the hook away from his face and stared deathly at his fathers cold, but soft gaze.

"What do you want from Dino? He's not a part of this."

Hook turned his back and swiftly peeped at Dino on the sitting chair. He smiled widely at Holland in a chilling way. "Really? I think you should think about that first." Hook stepped out of his way and emphasized on Dino.

Dino took a breath before approaching Holland in a slow manner mimicking the way Hook walked towards him. Why is everyone taking their time in a situation like this? By the looks of Dino's body language, he could tell that the younger one had something unsettling to tell him. He braced for the news he could possibly already predict in his head.

"I'm sorry, Holland please forgive me," Dino finally said after the long wait. "I had to do I needed to save those I love. To save you."

Holland didn't know what to say he only looked at Dino intently waiting for him to spill more information.

"All I wanted to do is  help and all I did was be the trap for the mouse."

There was a slow clap in the room. "That's good," Hook interrupted the silence conversation with the two. "Now you know," he snapped his finger at the guard who placed the rosewood box on his palm. "Open it."

His suspicions were right. He didn't care anyway because whatever is in that box is not worth it to him. It's just a piece of junk. He opened the lid without hesitation glancing at the white pearl-like orb sitting elegantly in the dark blue interior of the box.

"There, that wasn't so hard now let us go."

Hook reply was only a chuckle of amusement. "I know how to open a box, I just need you to open it," he directed his gaze at the orb. "It doesn't without you because of your damn mother."

Holland was still confused at his father demands. He's done what he has asked and now he blames his mother for something dealing with this cheap rock. He shook his head slowly in bewilderment, thinking how long staying here has made his dad truly gone mad.

"The orb was found along a mysterious tiny island in the middle of the Never sea," Hook said. "It gives anyone an immense magical power when they are exposed to it for a while." His cold eyes turned into something more like hatred when he stared at Holland. "Your mother kept it away from me, and now you have the power I always wanted."

A bulb of light flashed over Holland's head. His answer was answered in a series of dialogue from the old man. He always knew something was different about him since the day he discovered his powers.

"I should have just got rid of you like your mother when I had the chance," Hook closed the box and snapped his fingers at the guards behind Holland. They grabbed the boy and pulled him outside.

A part of Holland was struggling and the other was not. Everything was moving to fast for him to notice Dino running after him, yelling at the guards to release him. He wasn't even fazed by that, he was hurt and betrayed. At this rate, he just didn't care about his fate.

"Oh boo-hoo, one more  moaning from you and I'll make you walk the plank." Hook looked disgustedly at Dino for a second. "At least you were able to save your pathetic world."

Holland locked with Dino's desperate gaze. He couldn't but look away from those eyes he called beautiful and captivating. He was too hurt to face him at this moment. He was dragged to the ship to a place he knows he will be spending a temporary time until his father needs him again.

"What do you mean there's a hole on the side?!" Hook yelled his voice practically echoing everywhere.

That was his mistake because already,  Dino had plans stirred in his head.

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