9. Can I sleep in your bed?

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I haven't written in two weeks. My writing is a bit rusty.

   Each stroke he made, he erases

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   Each stroke he made, he erases. He eventually grew into frustration, Dino gave up on oh his eye drawing. Every time he erases and redrew, the eye never seemed to match perfectly with the right eye; either too big or crooked.

"I didn't know you draw," Holland said, beaming like the perfect summer day.

"I didn't know I draw either," Dino still frowning at his eye drawing.

Holland leaned closer to him, examining the sad boy's creation. "Who's that supposed to be?"

"Just a figure of my imagination," Dino closed the notebook. "What you doing here? Don't you have chores?"

"The old man let me off today."

Dino wished he had a break today. But since he forgot to work on his homework the other day, he has twice the amount of homework to complete. He sure hates being a college student sometimes, but he no choice to attend since he needs a stupid degree to become the interior designer he's always dreamed of becoming.

"You wanna come over?" Holland asked.

Dino really didn't want to go to his house, but the puppy-eyes had him weak. "Sure, if you help me with homework."


Dino understood why you shouldn't study with friends. He never got any work done. Instead of a quite and intellectual atmosphere, the room was filled with laughing, and meaningless blabbers only could understand.

Something inside the boy was warm and glowing. It was something he has longed experienced with some else before. All he knows is that he's having fun and not in his apartment room alone, doing calculus equations, or watching an angsty anime on a Friday night.

A soft knock on the door caused the boys to tone their ruckus. Hollands uncles stopped in the room with two plates on his hands.

"I don't usually allow food in the room, but I can trust you, boys... right?"

Holland picked up both plates from his uncle, showing a smile of gratitude. "You can trust us, sir."

The uncle raised an eyebrow out of surprise. "Wow, what is it with the sudden formality?"

"Just showing you can trust us...sir." Dino tossing a piece of fresh fries in his mouth.

The uncle rolled his eyes, walking out of the room. "Have fun boys."

"Your uncle is nice." Dino swirled his fries around the edge of the plate. "Kinda wished I had since people like him in my family."

Growing up, Dino has always thought that family was your best friends you could ever have. They were supposed to support you with anything you are, you could trust them with secrets that hide under that thick layers of yourself, they were always going to be the only ones that would be in your life forever- unlike friends who leave some point in your life.

That was not the case. Humans are humans whoever they are: their bad nature always come out when you don't fit their ideals.

"My uncle is only nice when you're around," Holland chuckling with a half-chewed fries is his mouth.

Dino darted his gaze to him.

"Its true, when you leave he'll make me do something labor, like clean the entire bakery kitchen, and the house kitchen this night."

"Still better than parents who only show you love if you're a mindless zombie to their every command or sibling who pick on the one that comes out of the world a few years later than them."

There was silence in the room. The only sound of Holland gulping his chewed fries. Dino felt his hair strands moving. "Your pessimism is showing again."

Dino shoved Hollands hand away from his hair. He even pushed the plate further away from him. His appetite was diminished, and he was in a mood to throw himself I'm Hollands bed, but he was not sure if Holland would be fond of him on his bed.

Holland sat in front of him, grinning widely at the doubtful boy. "I know what will make you feel  better." 


This chapter was kinda slow, but hey, character development.


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