Chapter Six. ❤️

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~In the garden only~
Your POV:

I don't know why, but I was feeling something unusual after meeting this guy. He is so cute, so handsome just like prince. His words, activities....everything are so cute. I am just loving his company but I don't know the reason for my feeling..Hehe!

"So can we be friends?", he asked.
"Yeah! Of course.... After all, both of us are shy, so our friendship will make a perfect match!"

"How do you know that I am also shy in nature?"

"My dad once told that he had offered you to eat with us, but as you are shy, you denied his offer...",after saying that I laughed at him.... Hahaha!!

He pouted and then showing his teeth, he said, "From today, I will eat with you all because now I know all of you, so I don't have any problem."

"But you yet did not meet my sister?"

"No. I have met her. In fact, she regards me as her friend, often she comes to my room to check if I need something.... From the very first day, I know her."

"Oh then it's very good!"

Suddenly a scream came from the garden facing balcony,
"Sis, what are you doing there? Please come and help me with my practicals. I can't do it alone." And obviously it was my always tensed sister.


"Sorry Jungkook. I have to go."

Suddenly he grabbed my wrist and said, "But I want to spend some more time with you...."

"We will talk during dinner time. See you then. Bye bye!!"

"Ahh... Okay... Bye!"

I ran up stairs and went to my room.
"What were you doing with that boy?", Mini asked.

"Oh! He is such a lovely guy.... I was gossiping with him.... It's so surprising that I didn't even know him for so many days... He is living in our house only.... Hahaha!! But why didn't you tell me that you had already met him?", I asked smiling.

"Because he is mine and I don't want any other girl to know him. I love him and so I don't want that any other girl also fall for him. And listen, don't try to take him away from me, don't meet him much, just talk casually with him and I know he is lovely, you don't have to exclaim that. ", she said angrily.

" Awww!! So my sis is in love! That's great! I'm so happy hearing it... Don't worry, I will never take him from you... We are just friends and you know I am introvert in nature, so I am not going to fall for someone. ", I faked my smile saying that because why I don't know but for the first time, I was really feeling for someone but my sister loves him so I shouldn't feel like that anymore..... I was thinking all this in my subconscious mind...!!!

"Now tell me what help you need?", and forgetting about those stuff, I involved myself in helping her.


Hey guys! Please vote and comment your thoughts! If I get votes, I will get inspiration to write more...😊❤️
Have a nice day everyone!! 😊😊

True Love❤️ (Jungkook x reader)[COMPLETED✔️] Where stories live. Discover now