Chapter Thirteen. ❤️

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Y/N takes out her mobile and then searches for Taehyung's inbox,

Y/N : Hey Taehyung! 🙂

Taehyung : Hey! How are you? So many contact!! 😄

Y/N : Yeah! Will you help me for a thing? 🙄

Taehyung : Yeah sure. Why are you asking for it? Just say it. 😀

Y/N : In a few days, a lot of things have happened........
*she tells everything to him*

Taehyung : Omg! So tell me what I have to do? 😦

Y/N : Just act as my boyfriend. And meet me tomorrow in the "Flaricruso" garden.   (A/N: Just made a name by myself for the garden! It has no existence...😋)

Taehyung : I will be happy to help you but will it be right? 🙄

Y/N : I have no other option. 🙂

Taehyung : OK then!😊

Y/N : Bye. 🙂

Taehyung : Bye dear. 😋

~end of flashback~

Taehyung was a Korean boy born in Daegu, South Korea. At the age of 10, his parents had to come to London for their business work. From then only, he became a citizen of London and started his education in a school of London where he first met Y/N. She was his first friend in school. He knew that she was a bit introvert but still he liked that innocent polite sweet girl. They liked each other's company and started to become close to each other. They became best friends. They shared each and every incident of their life to each other and had their most happiest moments in presence of each other. Y/N considered her best friend as her brother - the one she trusts the most and feels the closest, but in the meanwhile Taehyung was in love with his best friend. He loved her all flaws, stupid activities, all craziness, her nonstop chatty nature and everything. He wants to spend his whole life with her. She was the most adorable person in his eyes.
Yes! He loves Y/N and still does. But never got the courage to confess to her as he never wanted to lose this eternal friendship, her company and he always wanted to see her smile. Not to say anything that will take away her smile and make her serious. Maybe it's what true love defines.

Your POV :

I knew that 'Flaricruso' is Jungkook's most favourite place as he once told me that. So as he has exams, he would surely go to college passing this garden like he does everyday so I called my bestie 'Taehyung' here to act know 'BAD GIRL'!!

Taehyung and I was waiting for Jungkook to come and when from a far distance, I noticed him, I pulled Taehyung towards me and reduced my distance with Taehyung and brought my face closer to his face so much that anyone would think that we are kissing! Actually we are not but in Jungkook's point of view, it will surely look like that, I was sure. Then I saw that he has noticed us and was coming closer to us from corner of my eye. I pushed Taehyung a little and said, "I love you Taehyung!", in such a voice so that Jungkook could hear me.
As I taught Taehyung, he said, "I love you too Y/N! But what about Jungkook?"

And with a heavy heart, I had to tell those words which were actually killing me only and trying to control my tears, I said, "Leave him. He's just a time pass. You are my everything! No one can replace you. I love you and only you!!", I hugged him tightly so that I could let my tears out and Jungkook couldn't see me crying.

(You and Taehyung ❤️)

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(You and Taehyung ❤️)

I hope that after this, Jungkook agrees that I am really a 'BAD' girl,
.....and stops loving me. 💔

Sorry for late update! 😋
Have a marvelous day everyone!
Saranghae 😊❤️

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