Chapter Fifteen. ❤️

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Jungkook's POV :

My luck was good that today my exam went through nicely. Though I was still disturbed about what happened today.

I'm feeling thirsty so I have to go to kitchen to get some water coz I don't have any in my room.

I was crossing the hallway, when I saw Y/N standing in front of a window silently.

I think this is the right time to ask her about whatever I saw today

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I think this is the right time to ask her about whatever I saw today.


She seemed shocked at my sudden summon and then turned around to see the owner of the voice.

"Oh you! Hi Jungkook!", she said blankly.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure!", again a blank expression. Where did her smile go away?

"Ummm... Do you really love me Y/N?"

"Why? You have any doubt?"

"Honestly, today I saw you kissing with a guy in the garden. So...", I stuttered at saying those painful words.

She just remained quiet and gulped a little.

"Why Y/N? Why? What was less in my love!? I love you so much and I told you that also many times then why did you cheated me Y/N? Say? I want to know the reason. Answer me.", I asked her holding her shoulders tightly with anger and disappointment.

"Because I just wanted to play with your feelings. I got amused being loved by an innocent boy like you. That's it. I'm sorry for that.
Since childhood, I love Taehyung only. No one can replace him. Not even you. So get lost.", she said those hurting words so heartlessly.

"No Y/N. This is not true. I know. I want to believe you Y/N. Please tell me the truth. I know you are lying to me. These all things are fake. Aren't they?"

"Absolutely NO! What do you think of yourself? So confident?", she laughed out devilishly and again said, "Listen carefully, I don't love you and whatever I have told you before was all to play with your feelings. I love to do that after all they are free to play. HAHAHA!!!"

Stream of tears flow down my eyes silently. I found no words to say.

"And when you have seen everything, then never again try to come close to me anymore otherwise Taehyung will not leave you alive. You know...he's kinda possessive of me. So blessed I'm to have him.", she passed me saying those words and moved towards the stairs. I fell down on my knees just blank. Nothing was playing in my brain. I just got lost to darkness. I felt a hard stone hit me direct in my heart. For the second time, I felt time to stop, the whole world has stopped. I asked myself making my face downwards, "Why do I love her so much?????"
"May be because you imagined a whole different world of only you and her, where you were the Prince and she was your dearest beloved Princess.", my heart answered to my brain.

Your POV :

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Your POV :

"Excellent Sis! Great work!", Mini said clapping when I was strolling upstairs. I smiled blankly at her and then moved towards my bedroom crossing her. I was somehow walking dizzily, feeling as if I am a criminal. Yes, I broke someone's heart and he is the one whom I love more than myself. How can I make him cry? I can't bear his tears. I love him so much. Oh my God! What I have done? I held my pillow tightly burying my face in it crying bitterly. How will be I able to live without him?

'I love you Jungkook.... I love you so much.......', my inner voice cracked saying those pathetic yet true words.

Mini's POV :

And I was watching everything and listened everything that they talked about. Yes! Sis! You have done it. And now Jungkook will be mine, only mine. Though he started to cry bitterly like a kid, but soon enough I will make him smile by my love. Hahahahaha!, I laughed to myself.

"Excellent Sis! Great work!", I said to to my sis when she was coming upstairs. She smiled and crossed me. After a while, I heard wiping sound so I ran towards the door and saw that sis was crying too bitterly like Jungkook. I laughed to myself and said in a voice which only I could hear, "It was your fault sis, to love the one who is mine. Sorry!", I said and ran to my other bedroom to rest for a while peacefully and dream of Jungkook coz now he is fully mine. I have no more obstacles.

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