Chapter Sixteen. ❤️

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After that incident, a few days passed by and, Jungkook and you no more talk to each other. Many a times, both of you come in front of each other accidentally but you avoided eye contact with him though he wanted to stop you. He continued to dinner with you all but both of you just avoided eye contact and never even show an urge to talk, while Mini now managed to sit beside Jungkook while eating by forcing you to sit beside your mother.

You noticed that now Jungkook and your sister has really become good friends. They always gossip, roam around the garden, they fight about childish matters, they play together and a lot of stuffs.

Mini: I am so sorry Kookie that my sis behaved so rudely with you. I told you nah that she is not that good that you think.

Jk: Hmm... Leave that. Let's talk about something else.

Their intimacy was getting deep day by day. Though Jungkook's expression does not show any happiness, it shows an utter sacrifice and he is just accepting whatever he is facing.

Jungkook's POV :

Yes! It is tough to forget her. I tried a lot but I lost. So rather than trying to forget her which is impossible for me, I tried to do something which can divert my mind. Nowadays, I don't ignore Mini, when she comes to talk to me, I reply to her politely. I encourage her whatever she wants to do. She is kinda good, I think. She's a little childish. She talks too much and I listen to her silently. We play around, stroll the garden and spend a lot of funny moments but still my heart doesn't get the satisfaction of becoming happy. I always feel something to pull me behind. I don't know what is it, maybe the invisible string of true love which 'was, is, will be' tied to Y/N forever. Hah!

Sometimes I think that Mini was right that Y/N is not good still my heart doesn't agrees to accept that. I love Y/N... Yes! And will love her forever throughout my life, till my last breath. Even after my death, my soul will love her because her soul is intertwined with mine and whoever she loves or not, her soul is mine forever. No one can take it from me...not even that  TAEHYUNG!!!!

Your POV :

One morning, after waking up, I head out of my room to go downstairs to have my tea when suddenly I saw that Mini was standing on the first stair and Jungkook was leaning against the stair handle on the ground. They were talking in a very low voice smiling happily when suddenly Mini wrapped her hands around Jungkook's neck and said in a tone which was clearly audible to me.
Mini: Aww! I love you Jungkook. You know that?
I felt a sudden stinging pain in my chest when I heard Jungkook saying, "Ummm...really?". He smirked at Mini and I ran back to my room and dropped on my bed harshly crying silently yet bitterly. Streams of tears flowed down my cheek. I can't take it anymore. I CAN'T!!!!!

I threw my pillow on the floor out of frustration and pain. I rested my forehead on palm of my both hands supporting them on my laps. Suddenly a question played in my mind, "Did Jungkook also feel this kind of pain when I said Taehyung that I love him and hugged him...??!!! Oh my God!"

Jungkook's POV :

Mini: So how did your exams go?
Me: Ah... Fine!
Mini: That's good! Um, how about if we two go to an outing where there will be only you and me, and we will enjoy roaming together, and it will be a refreshment for you after exams.
Me: Not a bad idea, you know! (I too needed some change, some refreshment, so I accepted the offer.)
Mini: Yesss! I knew it that you will like the idea. So we will plan within today where to go!
Me: Ok.
Mini: Can I ask you something?
Me: Yeah sure.
Mini: What do you am I? As a girl, or as a friend?
Me: You are really good...pretty! And honestly, I like your childishness and craziness.
Mini: Aww! I love you Jungkook. You know that?
Me: Ummm...really?
Mini: Yes!

I smirked and looked at her eyes and then I turned back to my room waving at her bye saying, "We will plan for the outing from today only. Ok? Bye bye."

"Yes! Definitely!", she smiled broadly and with a lot of excitement, went upstairs.

I mummer to myself, "But I still LOVE YOU Y/N". I hit the bedroom door, pursed my lips thinking that what was written in my fate and went inside with a blank mind getting no answer to my own question.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A little big chapter! 😆😝Thanks for reading my story uptil here

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A little big chapter! 😆😝
Thanks for reading my story uptil here...hope you continue to read the upcoming chapters also..😅💖
Love you all!! 😘💖💖

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