Chapter Seventeen. ❤️

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Your POV :

It was now almost a month. Things going on which I can't bear anymore. Jungkook and Mini were even planning to go outside together for some days. I have done my duty by sacrificing for my sister, but that's enough. I can't do anything more. How can I bear the one I love, with someone else, whom I know that once loved me. After a few days of thinking, I have decided to go to Lancaster. There lives one of my closest friends, Elsa. I will just run away from here without letting know anyone, even my parents. I will only tell Taehyung before going. I have booked my flight ticket before for today only during afternoon. Yes. Everyday after lunch, everyone goes to rest in their bedrooms. Today I will take that opportunity to run away. I just want to get rid of all these things. I really hate my life now. I want to start my life newly. Elsa is a very good friend of mine. She understands me much better than anyone else. I told her everything and she only suggested me to stay with her. She also lives alone for her study purpose, so she will also get a partner if I go there.

I picked my phone from the bedside table and pinged Taehyung.

Me: Hey!
After a few minutes

Tae: Hey! Good morning! 😃
Me: Good morning! By the way, I want to say you something. Can we meet somewhere?
Tae: Yeah sure. How about "Little Wonder Cafe?"😅
Me: That's nice. Ok then meet me at 2:00 pm.
Tae: Ok! Bye. 😀
Me: Bye🙂.

~1:32 pm~

After lunch, my parents went to their room to take rest. Even, Mini went to her own bedroom. I quickly took rest of my necessary things which were still left being packed. Then, I held my luggage and gave a sigh of relief that I'm successful to pack everything.

Then I peeked out to see if anyone was there when I saw Mini going downstairs. I became irritated and waited till she returns. I was getting late, though she returned quickly taking a bottle of water and got inside locking the door of her room.

I softly went outside of my room and went downstairs carefully so that no one could hear.

When I successfully came down, I opened the main door carefully and softly, waved a last good bye to the house and closed the door behind me. A little tear was coming out of my eye but somehow it itself dried out in the heavy sunlight.

I went to the Cafe and to my pleasure, Taehyung was already there waiting for me. I could tell that he got shocked when he saw me with luggage. I took the seat beside him and told him everything about my plans and decisions.


Me: Uuuuggghh! Now stop YELLING!

I got irritated at his yelling and he pouted after that saying,
"Please don't leave me Y/N. I know you love Jungkook but honestly, I love you. Yes, from the very beginning, I love you. I have no one except you. I couldn't tell you this for the fear of losing our friendship. If you don't want to stay in that house, then you can stay with me but please don't leave London."
I was just shocked after what I heard. Taehyung loves me? Oh shit! Why didn't he tell me. Oh GOD!!!! My life is such a mess. Taehyung shook me out of my thoughts,"Hey!"

Me: Ummm?? Ohhh!! Hah! Listen Tae, you should have told me this before. I have nothing to do now. I have always seen you as my brother, my closest friend. I considered you as my family relative, but have never seen you in that way. I only love Jungkook and will do forever in my life. Only he brought such feelings in my heart for the first time, no one else. Don't get hurt Tae! But this is true. And I need to start a new life! Completely new. So I have to get out of London. See before leaving, I have only informed you because you are special to me.
Ok Tae! Now I have to leave otherwise I will be late. My flight timing is 3:15 pm. Now it's already 2:12pm. I have to go. Almost 1 hour only. Bye. I will come back again after few years and please don't tell anyone about me, about where I am or anything! Not to my parents, not even Jungkook! Just act like you also don't know where I am. Bye.

And then, Taehyung hugged me tightly sobbing hard. I too wrapped my arms around him smiling as well as sobbing. I could feel his warm breath on my shoulders and I could feel now how intensely he loves me. It's a simple hug but still I feel something strange hugging him. This is what fate calls. I had nothing to do because I love Jungkook more than myself and to forget him, I need some time. So at least now, I can't think anything else. I tried to get out of his grip and smiled saying, "Now really, I have to go otherwise it will be late!"

Saying that, I ran towards the exit door and turned my head to see Tae for last time, I felt bad for him but I smiled and left the Cafe.

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