Chapter Nine. ❤️ (Special part 1)

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Your POV:
Knocking on Jungkook's door...
"May I come in?", I asked gently.

"Yeah! Sure."
"Oh! You! Y/N! Come.... Come", he offered me to sit on the sofa and I accepted his offer, and with me, he also sat down beside me.
"So? What make you come here?"
"Why? Can't I come here without any reason?"
"No.... Not like that... You are always welcome!!! I was just asking..."
I chuckled at his nervousness...

"No, really I have a reason to come here... Today's my sister's birthday, so tonight there's a grand party and I'm very very excited about it and I came here to invite you..... Eeeeee", I smiled at him with my too much excited expression.... He chuckled at my childish behavior and said,
"Definitely I will participate... Even I have to... After all the most beautiful lady has invited me so I have to come....."
"Haha!! Dress up nicely.... Now I have to go... We have to decorate the whole house and arrange a lot of things... Good bye... See you in the party..", I hurried to go out of his room saying those things. He said, "Ok! See you, bye."

~Evening(Grand party)~

A/N's POV:
Mini dresses up like a princess and at last, the party gets started.

Mini in her party

The hall is decorated brilliantly and you also wanted to adorn yourself beautifully for the party and so you chose to wear this

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The hall is decorated brilliantly and you also wanted to adorn yourself beautifully for the party and so you chose to wear this...

You come downstairs and started to have conversations with your friends

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You come downstairs and started to have conversations with your friends... Lots of people were invited...your friends, your sister's friends and many of your parent's friends and business partners... Suddenly you notice Jungkook coming from his room to the hall and you get astonished looking at him... He is looking just like a prince... "PRINCE CHARMING!!!"

He comes and stands among the people and then wishes to your sister "Happy Birthday" with a box of chocolates and she takes it giving a big smile saying "Thank you"

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He comes and stands among the people and then wishes to your sister "Happy Birthday" with a box of chocolates and she takes it giving a big smile saying "Thank you".

After a while, he notices you and comes towards you pushing himself through the crowd and ultimately succeeds to come to you and says,
"You are looking gorgeous, dear!"
   You blushed at the word "dear" and say, "You are too looking awesome!!"
You both started to gossip for a while when Mini announced, "Hey my dear friends, today is my birthday so I have a...basically many requests to you all, but first one is, I want the ones, who love to sing..., to sing in front of everyone their favourite song in the honour of this party and please, please sing freely, no one is going to judge you.... So anyone?"

You were to turn your head towards Jungkook after listening that when you found, he's not there. You get surprised and look here and there when you hear people clapping and cheering for something and find out that it's Jungkook going to Sing, he has already seated on a small sofa with guitar and smiling for people's excitement.... At first, you get surprised knowing that he can sing then you smile....

He starts singing the song, "2U" but he sings it continuously keeping his eyes on you but no one noticed it that much, they were busy listening to his soulful, lovely voice....

Somehow, your eyes also get fixed on him as if both of you were talking through your eyes

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Somehow, your eyes also get fixed on him as if both of you were talking through your eyes.... Then after a moment, the song ends and everyone claps and sister, being happy, hugs him but he still looks at you and you were still in your dream land when a drop of tear comes through your eyes and you get out of thoughts and claps for him, smiling at him and admiring him for his such lovely voice. After that, he comes and stands beside you but you two, remain silent feeling awkward. Then your sister cuts her birthday cake, everyone sings the birthday song for her and Jungkook offers you his piece of cake to have a bite.... You bite it and then you also offer your cake and he bites a piece of it lovingly and both of you smile at each other....💖💖

True Love❤️ (Jungkook x reader)[COMPLETED✔️] Where stories live. Discover now