Chapter Eight. ❤️

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~Evening (In the living room)~

It's Sunday evening... Every Sunday, Mr. Williams and his family watch movie all together in their living room. They regard it as a break in their daily routine at weekend.

So Mr. Williams, his wife and Y/N sit on the big sofa and Mini sits on the side sofa as she wants to sit alone comfortably...

After playing one of their favourite comedy film, Mr

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After playing one of their favourite comedy film, Mr. Williams noticed Jungkook going to his room from kitchen and so called him saying,
"Hey my boy! Come here and watch the movie with us... You will enjoy it... Let's enjoy together, after all, you are also a part of our family now!!"

Jungkook comes smiling towards them but seeing that he had nowhere to sit, Mini jumped of her sofa and offered him to sit there saying,
"Hey! Sit here. I will manage to....

She gestured at the handle of the sofa

....sit over here.", she said smiling.

Jungkook without thinking much sits on that sofa and says, "Thank you Mr. Williams for your offer... Thank you so much..." Mr. Williams says, "Welcome my boy, now enjoy the movie...!!"

Sometimes, Y/N looks at Jungkook and sometimes he peeks at her... This continues to happen. Meanwhile, Mini was keeping her one hand over the head of the sofa behind Jungkook and one hand on her own lap, almost hovering over Jungkook but he was trying to avoid it. Though Y/N didn't like it much but kept calm by keeping a smile.

~1 and half hours later~

Mr. Williams : Okay kids! Me and my wife needs to go out at one of our office colleague's anniversary party... So you three continue to enjoy the movie... We will be back at night and all of your dinner is kept ready in kitchen.

They all nodded and said "Alright!"

Y/N was sitting in her place only when Jungkook came and sat beside her saying, "Now we can sit here...!!" and Mini also sat beside him following him. She kept hovering over him but Jungkook ignored her because he was busy thinking about Y/N.

Your POV:

I don't know why, but I felt really good when Jungkook sat beside me himself but I tried to hide my happiness to them, so I kept quiet and continued watching the movie.

Suddenly I felt his hand touching my thumb trying to intertwine his fingers with mine. I kept quiet enjoying it and when finally he intertwined his fingers with mine, I moved away my hand from him as if a sudden reflex worked in me. And after that only, suddenly I stood up from my sofa and ran towards the back of the hall room saying, "Coming in a few minutes."

After a moment, Jungkook also came following me and grabbed my wrist and pinned me to the wall. I was literally shocked at this, but at the same time, blushed. He said, "Why do you run away from me all the time.. That day during dinner, again now.... Whenever I want to come close to you, you run away but listen Ms. Pretty, that I'm not going to let you run from me, after all we are good friends.... No??", he said smiling sharply and then cutely showing his teeth.

I couldn't control myself and smiled with him saying,"Yeah! I just felt shy so I ran away... Sorry... Hihihi....!!" And then both of us laughed loudly though I was lucky that, Mini couldn't hear us as she was engrossed in watching the movie. After that, Jungkook first went and sat and I came a little later so Mini doesn't doubt. And again after sometime, Jungkook intertwined his fingers with mine and this time, I allowed him, at least as a friend. Sometimes fulfilling own wish is not a crime... Right? I felt good so I allowed him... What else? Haha..!! 😊😊

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