Chapter Eleven. ❤️

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Your POV:


Me and Jungkook get away from each other and looked at the owner of the voice and she was MINI...!!

I just run away passing her shocked and embarrassed and crying by the sudden moment, I run upstairs and get inside my room and sit on my bed crying... I am really feeling guilty for my activity and say to myself,
"I really didn't want to hurt you my sister. Today I betrayed you... Oh my God! Please forgive me.. I didn't want to betray her, she's my only sister and I...!!!", I stopped myself and cried thinking of what just happened...

Mini's POV:

"What were you and my sis going to do? And...and WHY?? She is not that good as you are thinking. You will regret it if you love-", I get cut by Jungkook.

"Stop! Just stop saying those nonsense anymore! You don't have to judge her and I love her the way she is... I LOVE HER, and that's it. She is perfect in my eyes and I am never gonna regret for that!", he stormed away passing me without letting me to say anything and he went to his room and shut his door so loudly that many of my friends got shocked and turned around to see what happened!

"Hey guys! You continue to enjoy yourself... It's just nothing.. I will manage that. You all enjoy..hah! Coming!", saying that I run upstairs to my room and see my sis crying...

Your POV:

The door opened suddenly and it was Mini.
"I'm sorry sis, I didn't want to hurt you! I myself didn't get to know what was happening! We were just talking and-", she cut me off saying,

"Now stop making drama! From the first day, I knew your intention and so I was afraid but still I trusted you but now, you really betrayed me but listen sis, I am not going to live if I don't get Jungkook! He is my first and last love and he is mine but as he said he loves you, so it means I will never get him...
And now I am going to end myself ", saying those hilarious things, she ran in the washroom to take the blade and I ran after her to stop her and slapped her hand down,

"YES!! I am!", she said crying miserably hovering over the basin. I really felt sad for her, I can't see her crying.

"Please don't do this.... Try to understand. I told him everything about you, but he says that he loves me and just doesn't want to get convinced by my words... What can I do?"

"Listen sis! Do something so he comes back to me and loves me. You have to arrange that and if you can't do that, then I am going to end my life! Now you think which is more important to you? Your sister's life or your love for Jungkook!", she says threateningly.

"But how is this possible? What can I do?", I said just wondering.

"You have to", Mini said rudely.

I sat down on the floor of the washroom listening that and say, "Okay! I will do something so that he loves you and not me! Happy???"

"Yes SIS! I love you.. Promise me you will return him to me, make him fall in love with me!"

"Promise! Now you promise me that you will never do that thing again! Never try to end your life!", I said making myself able to stand up slowly.

"Never!", Mini smiles happily and hugs me tightly out of happiness. I hugged her back smiling and sobbing inside thinking, "I have to sacrifice my love, but I am ready for that because my sister is more important to me than Jungkook. She is the one I am with from my childhood, have done everything together- playing, studying and so much fun!! I can do this small thing for her"..."Haha!", I keep myself calm by smiling widely.


The party ends after a delicious supper. Though I and Jungkook ate in our own rooms. I changed my dress into normal casuals and just laid on my bed trying to sleep. It was late night after all. Sleep was not coming. All I was thinking what to do to get rid of Jungkook so that leaving me, he starts to feel for my sister. And for that, only one way was there!

That is

Now, I have to become bad, so bad that Jungkook have never expected!!!

Hahahahaha!! I laughed to myself thinking of my plan and ended with huge amounts of silent tears....💔


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