Chapter Seven. ❤️

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~Dinner time~

Y/N: Hey! Today's dinner is seeming to be tasty. Yummy!

Mrs. Williams: Yeah! Today I cooked your favourite dish and I know Mini also likes it. Isn't it?

Mini: Yesss Mom! I love it too.... Yum yum!!

~There were six chairs with a big dining table....

~There were six chairs with a big dining table

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Mr. Williams always sits at the front chair as he is the head of the family.... Mrs. Williams was sitting beside him among two chairs and the two sisters were sitting together opposite to her (Mini in front of her mom and the seat in front of Y/N was empty....~

They were busy chatting when Jungkook came,
"Hey! Can I join you all for dinner from today? No more shy I'm...", he said holding his dish of dinner.

Mr. and Mrs. Williams(in unison): Yes my boy! Of course.... We are happy to make you a part of our family... Come and sit here...!!

He sat beside Mrs. Williams so that Y/N is just in front of him and he can eat his food looking at her..... Seeing him, Mini waved her hand to him.... Jungkook waved his hand but his full mind was stuck on Y/N..... Y/N held her down and continued eating without looking at him much otherwise she will again have that weird feeling and again her sister will be angry.... So she tried to avoid his constant stare but suddenly she felt something touch her bare feet, she looked under the table and saw it was Jungkook's feet.... She immediately looked at him and he moved his mouth whispering "Sorry" and smirked cutely... She could feel his intentions lightly so shifted her legs inward towards the chair and tried to eat silently without reacting much so that no one can realize it...

Once, Y/N also willed to look at Jungkook and so slightly she lifted her head up (not much...just to peek at him), and just then only she got eye to eye with Jungkook as he was also peeking at her, so immediately Y/N managed her activity with a sweet smile and Jungkook also gave his bunny smile at her...

just to peek at him), and just then only she got eye to eye with Jungkook as he was also peeking at her, so immediately Y/N managed her activity with a sweet smile and Jungkook also gave his bunny smile at her

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Then, she again looked down at her dish, smiling, feeling shy and finished her meal fast and stood up and ran to kitchen to keep her dishes, and after that ran upstairs....

Mr. Williams: What did happen to her?(asked worriedly)

Mini: No dad! Nothing like that... She is just tensed to finish her maths problems which she have to submit tomorrow... That's it...

Mr. Williams : OH! Then it's okay! I just got afraid... Hah!!

After that, Jungkook also finished his meal and then, wishing all of them "Good night", he went to his home and jumped on his bed feeling excited about what happened this whole evening and buried his face in pillow dreaming of Y/N and fell asleep.....💓💓

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