Chapter Eighteen. ❤️

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Taehyung's POV :

Y/N left the Cafe when suddenly I noticed her mobile on the table. She has forgotten to take it. I should return it to her fast, but before that, I have to do one thing. I know her lock password, after all she's my bestie. I opened it and opened the contact list for Jungkook's number and when I found it, I quickly memorized it and ran out of the Cafe.

"Hey! HEY Y/N!!?"

She was already much far but, not that far also that she can't hear me. She turned instantly and I ran to her with her mobile. "Your phone was left on the table!" "Aww! Thank you Tae so much," she hugged me saying that and waved her last good bye smiling. This time I also smiled because I felt happy seeing her happy.

I quickly got at the side of the road behind the Cafe, where there was a little peace and less noise. I immediately dialed the number remembering it hard and the phone started to ring.

Every ring of the phone felt like a loud beat of my heart

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Every ring of the phone felt like a loud beat of my heart. After a few seconds,
"Hello?", a sleepy voice answered.
"Hello, Jungkook?"
"Yeah! Who?", his voice cracked a little sounding as if he was still in his dream land of sleeping.
"I am Taehyung."

Jungkook's POV :

"TAEHYUNG!?????", I screamed at the phone suddenly, hearing that name, recognizing it was no one other than Y/N's boyfriend and I felt no more sleepy.
"Yeah! I am Taehyung and don't scream. Listen to me quietly. It's urgent. Please let me tell you something. PLEASE!!!!!"
"Ok! Speak!", I said politely trying hard to keep myself calm and cool.

"Y/N loves you and only you. Whatever she has done was only for her sister. Mini threatened her to do something so that you misunderstand her and start to love Mini otherwise Mini would end her life. Y/N is a soft and kind hearted person. To keep Mini happy, she acted with me like that to distract you. I am her best friend. That's all. Nothing more. She can't bear the closeness between Mini and you as she loves you madly so to keep herself far from you, she is leaving London today and within one hour, she is going to catch her flight. Yes! She is no more in the house. She has ran away without telling anyone of you. Nobody knows that. Please stop her from going away. FAST JUNGKOOK. YOU HAVE TO. YOU LOVE HER nah! YOU HAVE TO GET HER BACK. PLEASE BE FAST. STOP HER BEFORE SHE CATCHES HER FLIGHT! FASSSSTTTTTTTTT.....TTTTT!!!"

I dropped my mobile hearing all that and ran towards my cupboard to take my jacket and shoes and quickly left the house. I ran very fast, very very fast, fast even than any vehicle. All those words of Taehyung were crossing my mind. What he told is true? If it's true then I can never forgive Mini and even myself. I kept running hard breathless and reached the airport at last within 10 minutes and then panted like a dog, bending down keeping my hands on my knees.

I walked up to the front gate and waited till Y/N comes hoping that she hasn't come yet. Basically, my brain wasn't working what to do.

Your POV :

As the Cafe was fully on the opposite side of the airport from my house, it took almost 20 minutes to reach the airport. 'Oof!', I am so tired though I came via taxi. I was going to enter through the gate,
"Where do you think you are going?"

My heart started to beat fast as it recognized the owner of the voice but my mind wasn't sure to accept that. I turned my head when suddenly Jungkook hugged me tight even without letting me see him first.

"I knew that you can't cheat me. I love you and I know that you love me too. How could you leave me like this. I am so thankful to Taehyung. If he hasn't informed me, I would have lost you forever keeping this misunderstanding. I love you Y/N. I love you so much."

I wrapped my hands around him now, crying hard. I was thinking that Taehyung is really my best friend. How could he tell Jungkook to come to me when he himself loves me so much? I wasn't able to speak so I just remained silent till he dragged me away from him holding my shoulders tight.

"I'm so sorry Y/N to misunderstand you! You still love me nah?", he asked caressing my cheek with one of his hand.

"Yes Yes Yes Jungkook! I LOVE YOU!"

"Then why didn't you tell me the truth that day?"

"Because I was afraid of my sister's activity. I had to act with you to save my sister!"

"I will make her understand. I will make everything perfect, if you are there beside me!", he said those last words lovingly with a whisper in my ear. I looked up at his face and held his chin with my one hand while resting the other on his waist. He was already holding my waist tightly. I pecked on his lips lightly and then and then only I turned my face away blushing. He again turned back my face and rested his forehead on mine and said, "I love you and promise me that you will never leave me again!"

"Never. Promise," I turned and he hugged me from behind resting his face on my right shoulder saying, "I am so happy to get my princess back."

"I'm happy too but please leave me now, because people are staring at us," I coughed saying that when we both noticed that a crowd has gathered around us for having to see such a romantic scenario for free. Everyone seemed so amazed looking at us and they smiled at each other. Jungkook giggled but I ran away leaving his grip, from that spot blushing. Everyone was clapping at that sweet funny scenario when Jungkook smiled at everyone like a hero with much attitude and walked through the crowd heroically  as if he's proud of what he was doing with his heroine and then after coming out of the crowd, he ran towards me where I was waiting for him and then both of us laughed out loud.

This chapter is the biggest till now, from the previous ones...😄😄

The story is going to end soon. 😋❤️
Love you all ❤️❤️😘😘

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