Chapter Fourteen. ❤️

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Taehyung's POV :

"Leave him. He's just a time pass. You are my everything! No one can replace you. I love you and only you!!", saying that she hugged me. 'If only, it was true!', I thought to myself hugging her back seriously. Basically, I was not acting this whole time. Whatever I said, or did was true but only I knew that. Y/N thinks that I was acting like her only.

"Hey! I think Jungkook is gone. See", she told me suddenly waking me from my thoughts.

I saw Jungkook going ahead on the footpath slowly. Actually, I was feeling bad for him because I know the pain of true love. I was feeling guilty for whatever we had done.

"Y/N! Are you okay?", I saw her crying bitterly.
"How can I be okay when I love him so much???"

I felt a stinging pain in my heart when I again heard that he loves Jungkook so much but I also felt bad for her, after all she is my bestie!

"Hey don't cry dear! Everything will be fine.", I tried to make her calm down.

"How can everything be fine when I made Jungkook feel betrayed??!!", she said yelling.

"What you will do after this? What's your next step? What will you say to Jungkook if he asks you?", I wanted to help her so I asked her.

"I have to do more drama. I have to say more lies. What's more?", she said rubbing her tears from her cheeks.

"Awww! You can do it. You are my bestie after all, you have to be strong!", I hugged her patting her back and she wrapped her hands around my waist.

'If only she was mine forever holding me like this', I again dreamt those stupid things.

"Thank you so much Taehyung for helping me! You are really the best! My bestie! Love you", she cried a tear of thankfulness.

"Don't thank me. Can't I do this much? I can do anything for you. Always ask me for whatever you need. Love you too.", I smiled hugging her for the last time before going back to my home.

"Bye!", she waved at me from a distance and I gestured her to smile with my fingers and she laughed at that gracefully and turned around on her way.

Jungkook's POV :

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Jungkook's POV :

Trying to forget about what I saw just now, I continued to walk on my way to college. After all, I have exams and I can't miss that for these things.

Though I wanted to focus only on my exams, to remember things what I learnt, but still I could not remove Y/N's face from my mind. How can she do that? She told she loves me and she is kinda different than other girls. She can't do this. I don't believe this but how can I deny what I have seen. She was really kissing that guy, but why? She told that I'm just for time pass!!! She doesn't seem a cheater then why she did that to me?
So is it true that she is really playing with my feelings? I'm just a toy for her? Was Mini right that Y/N is not that good that I think she is? No! I can't distrust her. I love her so I should trust her but what about that moment that I had seen. Oh my Gawd! I am just so confused!!! I have so many questions!!!???? What will I do?
It's better that after giving my exam nicely, I should directly ask her about whatever happened today, but how will be I able to tell her those things!
'Uuuggghhh...!!!', I grudged out of frustration.

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True Love❤️ (Jungkook x reader)[COMPLETED✔️] Where stories live. Discover now