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I woke up in a field of grass, looking around me, to remind myself where I am. Earth. 13.75 billion years later. I stood up slowly. "Sam? Dean?" My voice was raspy.

I felt like I was falling. I held onto a tree for support. I looked up. Bright lights scattered the sky, for a second I thought were stars, but were angels. Angels?! My eyes widened. Metatron, what have you done? I questioned. I didn't hear a reply except for the grief moment of hearing angels hitting Earth's surface, automatically being killed or injured.

I gasped. "This is all my fault..." I said. I break my eyes away from the sky, not bearing to watch. "Brothers, sisters, I have failed  you..." I shook my head, feeling ashamed. I started walking- well, limping down the road. I didn't know for how long but I had grown tired of it and tried to use my wings. I looked at my surroundings and nothing had happened.

"What? That's impossible!" I said, shocked. I fiddled with my trench coat, trying to see my wings, but I saw nothing. It was then I realized, when Metatron took my grace, he took my wings too. Why, why did you have to do this Metatron? I thought you were good! I shouted in my head. I was all angry but I had other emotions running through my head.

I reached into my pocket to reveal my phone, that Dean had given me, was gone. I sighed, running a hand through my hair. I better start walking again, I told myself.

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