Dean's Helping

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"Thank you again." I said then kissed his cheek. "You're a big helper besides being a hunter and all." I blushed. I limped over to the bed and turned around to see a very red faced Dean.

    "Uh-yeah-I-I'll just go. Goodnight, Cas." Dean flustered.

    "Goodnight, Dean. Sweet dreams." I said, a smile still on my face. Dean nodded returning a small smile before leaving my bedroom. I slept that night for the first time but it didn't go well. I was having some kind of nightmare and I was screaming.

    "CAS WAKE UP!" I was shaken awake, to have none other than Dean standing over me. I broke down crying and was wrapped in Dean's arms. "Cas, it's okay, I'm here." He ran his fingers through my hair, soothing me. He murmured something, maybe my name, but I was too out of it to tell. Even then, it was comforting. I melted into the touch.

I lifted my head up to look at him. He wiped my tears, saying, "Stop crying, you're okay, nothing's going to get you." I smiled sadly. He noticed my smile and brushed my cheek with his thumb. I heard begin to hum a familiar melody. I soon recognized it. A famous song, Hey Jude. 

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