Forest Winchester

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"It's a him?" I asked.

"Tis a he," Gabriel replied with a smile. I smiled weakly. Dean knelt down beside me, showing me the baby. 

"Ah- he's beautiful." I said, smiling wider. Dean kissed my cheek once again.

"You did it, baby. Our little angel has been born." He smiled. He placed the baby into my arms. A powerful force flew through me and out of fear I handed the baby back to Dean quickly. His face turned into a frown. "Cas, what's wrong?"

"I-I don't think I should hold him right now..." Gabriel raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, Cas. What should we name him?" I chuckled as I thought about it.

"Forest. He has your eyes Dean, it'll remind of you when you're away on a hunt. And of course I like trees." I said. Gabriel smiled and walked out of the room. "Do you like that name, Dean?"

I turned my head to look at him and realized he was crying. "You- The- It's beautiful, and so is the reason." He murmured.

"Dean, I love you... and Forest." I said. Then something happened. Time stopped. My head dropped.

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