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NOTE: 3/20/21. This story is long since completed. Due to this being somewhat old, I'd recommend that you skip straight to Interactive Hunger Games 3 for the best reading experience. That doesn't mean you can't read this, but be warned: it's a little rough, and so is installment two. Whichever route you choose, enjoy! -Awe

Hello! Welcome to the Interactive Hunger Games!

In this book, you, the reader, can create a character and see them journey into the hunger games. 


-What do I need in a character?

A good Hunger Games character needs a few things. Submit an answer in all categories to see them in the book.

-Age (12-18)
-Background (make interesting!)
-Specialty (make unique!)
-Weakness (you need this to have a character that is human.)
-District Enemies/Friendlies (OPTIONAL)
-Anything else you might want to add.

With all of those filled in, you can put it in a comment or a DM and it may take a spot in the games. Be sure to select an available gender and district.

If you see a custom name in the list, that spot is taken.

- Aiden Jackson "The Lost Boy"
- Liliac Ridear "The Lost Lover"
- Nicholas Bane "The Brute"
- Allison Ams "Alli"
- Travis Rodriguez "Turbo"
- Sidney White "Mountain"
- Atlas Superstes "The Gatherer"
- Elána Tremas "Elá"
- Albert Arlington "The Weasel"
District 5 Female
- Vance Matson "The Tinkerer"
- Ophelia Moon "Spectre"
- Amadeus "The Savage"
District 7 Female
- Kesuke Miyagi "The Martial Artist"
- Orealis Chen "The Deceptor"
- Luke Muelles "The Knight"
- Ella Whitney "The Faker"
District 10 Male
- Seraphina "The Devout Masochist"
- Moose Finbar "Fridge"
- Roxella Archer "The Mermaid"
- Dave Ishida "Dr. IceFire"
District 12 Female

Submit characters in the comments below!

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