Night 5: Faith

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- Allison Ams Perspective-

     We had been camping out in the pharmacy. At this point, if there's any big battles people will need meds. This is where Dave comes in useful. He's an amateur doctor. Not too good, not too bad.

     "These supplies won't last much longer." I tell Dave. "We should explore the neighborhood behind this place."

     "Ok." He says, getting up. His leg pain has lessened now, and he can fight again. Somewhat.

     We walk outside of the building, and then to the houses. We split up, and he goes to left while I go right. We'll find the best stuff here. I know it.

     I kick open the back door, which appeared to be locked. Weird. Usually they're unlocked. I ready my bow, fearing someone is here. The cabinets are all open and mostly empty. Then I'm tripped. It must be a little wire tied to the bottom.

I get up, and there's a small splinter in my finger. It's small, but those little things hurt. I get up to pluck it out, but I hear footsteps. I draw an arrow in my bow and look around. It came from behind a wall in the bedroom.

I think about getting Dave, but the person will probably escape by the time I get to him. I've gotta get this person myself.

So then. I walk into the room. I don't see anyone at first, so I look on the other side of the bed. Nothing. Then the bathroom. Nothing in the bathtub or shower. Then I see the closet door slightly open. It's dark in there, almost pitch black.

okcacia Investigate or Not?

- Ella Whitney's Perspective -

     I know this is going to be a struggle later on. When I fell asleep, the ash cloud barrier was on the north side of a small tower. When I awoke in the middle of the night, it had swallowed it whole.

     This thing is moving and it's going to force us into a smaller and smaller space. The flooded river front will be where the final battle happens. No doubt in my mind.

     I at this rate, I'll have to leave my tower in 2-3 days. I'll probably leave before I have to, though. I can't stay cooped up here for much longer. There's a fight going on, and I've got to intervene so I can be the winner. It's the only way.

- Elá's Perspective-


I had found some sort of old hunting shop. Most of the shelves were empty, but a few things were meticulously placed on them. One of those things was extra bolts, which would come in handy.

Then I hear the capitol anthem. It's for the death list. I peek outside and look to the sky. The list is actually empty, so no one has died yesterday. It's down to the good tributes; the smart ones. And it's gonna be insane.

     Maybe I can find Albert again, and get right to end before turning on him. It could work so perfectly. We fight together, and once the job is done I turn my crossbow on him. Finish the games.

     Does Albert even want to ally anymore? Maybe not. Maybe he realizes how it could all go down. How I could turn on him if he didn't do the same to me first. He probably knows. He's smart, and hid his fighting skills in training.

     As the anthem ends, I hear the announcer come on.

     Hello tributes! There are only 7 of you remaining, or just under one third. A special sponsorship will be dropping in the morning at the center square. It will contain a rare weapon- a Butcher Knife. More killing power and lighter weight than a Machete. That's all. May the odds be ever in your favor.

     I'm not good with knives, so there's no way I'm going to that obvious blood fest.

     ATTENTION, READERS. If you made a character, do they go to the sponsorship? Comment or PM me your your answer. If I don't get an answer, your character will not go and I'll say they slept through the announcement.

     Don't really need a capitol announcement today.

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