Character Bios

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Submitted Character Profiles:

District 1: Aiden Jackson "The Lost Boy"
18 y.o
-Aiden comes from a family of Hunger Games champions, but his mother died giving birth to his 2 brothers and his father committed suicide shortly after. He has had to care for his siblings for a while now, and volunteered in place of his little brother.
-Aiden's honesty has made him very trustworthy, and as a result is a very good ally. He is also very manipulative like his District counterpart.
-Aiden's honesty, however, makes it so he doesn't like to kill. He could be very merciful, and may rely on his teammates to make the final blow.
-Is best friends with Nicholas Bane, and they have been training together for a long time now. Will likely ally with Liliac and the District 2 tributes.
-Submitted by LyssaLoo521

District 1: Liliac Ridear "The Lost Lover"
18 y.o
-The Ridear family is respected throughout all of District 1. Liliac was supposed to grow up in the footsteps of her parents, but was unexpectedly reaped after a lack of volunteers.
-Persuasion abilities due to looks is her best skill.
-Food gathering and Fighting.
-Submitted by pineapple_in_alaska

District 2: Nicholas Bane "The Brute"
-16 y.o
-Nicholas Bane was born to a rich family of Hunger Games Champions. He has a legacy to preserve, so he has trained all his life. He won the volunteering after his 3rd year of trying, and now wants to make his family proud.
-Is very skilled in almost every form of hand to hand combat. He was only beaten once in training at the age of 6, and is extremely strong physically.
-Suffers from bad asthma, and therefore is very slow at travel. Can be escaped easily.
-Submitted by xxXR3DBOSSXxx

District 2: Allison Ams "Alli"
-17 y.o
-Allison has had a tough life. She lost her mother and sibling early on, and an unintentional child later. She has become a smoker and alcoholic, even against her boyfriend's wishes. She volunteers as an easy way to change - or end - her life.
-Great hunter. Her love for nature was the only thing she had left after the death of so many.
-Bad health. Crippling Depression.
-Will likely ally with Dave Ishida, who she met on her mother's tour of Panem before she died, or the careers.
-Submitted by okcacia

District 3: Travis Rodriguez "Turbo"
-18 y.o
M (Homo)
-Born to a moderately wealthy family in New Indianapolis, Travis' dad went missing at 3 years old. Some say his mother was behind it, who was a sadist from a very rich family. He got the nickname "Turbo" by running from his mother. She abused him. Volunteered at reaping to escape his family.
-Easily the fastest tribute in the arena. Can evade other tributes easily.
-Cannot trust women due to his mother. Can have a sense of pride that is too large to be safe.
-Has become gay due to his mother making him never able to trust women. Extensive physchological and physical abuse. Likes Vance Matson from 6.
-Submitted by Gaurangigahlout

District 3: Sidney White "Mountain"
14 y.o
-Sidney was born into a relatively poor family in District 3. Her father was a contractor, and often Sidney helped construct things with him. Then her father died from Cholera. Sidney had to resort to a life of crime to support her family.
- Is excellent at constructing shelter. Can throw up a shelter very quickly. She is also good at stealth.
- Is very bad with nature, and food gathering will be her hardest challenge.
- Really wants to ally with the careers, figuring it's her best move.
Submitted by RohanObelnickl

District 4: Atlas Superstes "The Gatherer"
-15 y.o
-Atlas Superstes' parents died in a drowning when a shark attacked their boat, and Atlas was the only survivor. Atlas now lives with his grandfather and brother who is 18. His brother was supposed to marry the love of his life but was reaped, so Atlas volunteered in his place.
-Amazing at a hunter-gatherer life.
-Hates water ever since his parents drowned. Is regularly beaten due to this.
-Has a major trust issue with everyone, but can ally with one or two people at most.
-Has suicidal thoughts, which is why he volunteered for his brother in the first place.
-Submitted by All_inLove

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