Night 6: Mercy

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- Vance Matson's Perspective -

I got away. When I heard the window brake, I left the scene. Scattered from the District 2 girl. I think her name was Alli. I don't know.

I've gotten to the downtown area, scouting some buildings as I go. I'm nearing the supply drop area at this point, so I walk up to scout the central square.

I then see Nicholas Bane. He's walking away from the opened supply drop, waving the butcher knife in the air. I remember the bow I had taken from Alli. I can't use them, so I won't shoot at Bane.

I just lay down, thinking of my next move. How should I deal with him? Should I confront, should I abando-

"Don't f&cking move." I hear as a knife sets itself on my throat. Any move I make will get my throat cut. But who is it?

"Who are you?" I ask, terrified.

"District 9 ring a bell?" She says. "You know, the one you ruthlessly slayed the boy from?"

"Ella." I say. F&ck. The fight our groups had - She was in it. And It was Luke that died.

"I didn't ever want to." I say emotionally.

"Bullish!t." She says, tightening her grasp on the knife.

"No, no. I only allied with them because I had to to survive." I say. It was true. "I never wanted any of this." I say.

"If you didn't want it, you wouldn't have started any of it." She says.

Kute_Kittenwrites Do you choose to kill Vance or Forgive him?

     - Dave Ishida's Perspective -

     I crash onto an old sofa in a broken down house. I can't believe it. I lost Alli. I'd known her for a long time, too. Ever since the victory tour. She had met him, and they had a thing going until her parents were disgusted by their girl talking to someone from 12 and took her back to 2.

     I don't know who it was that killed her either. If only I knew. I would find him, smash their head into a wall, watch them bleed...

     No, no. I can't go crazy and bloodthirsty. Not now.

     But it's so hard not to.

I then hear footsteps outside. Followed by some quiet whistling. I look out of the window of the house, and I see who it is.

It's Bane.

Bane couldn't be the one that killed her though, right? They were district counterparts. No, he could've. Bane is a psycho.

And he needs to be ended. I see him walk into a nearby house, and I follow him. I bust open the door, and see him chugging a canteen of water. He springs up.

"Did you kill Allison?" I ask forcefully.

"No. But I will kill you." He says, pulling out his sword.

"You don't care in the slightest what happened to her?" I ask, disgusted.

"Not really, no." He says.

SwordMasterSeanGamin Fight or Flight?
- Albert Arlington's Perspective -

I'm wiping off my sword and readying for combat. There's only 6 people left. I've counted, and a cannon went off about an hour ago.

Then I hear footsteps. Of course.

I ready my sword, nearly about to lunge. But it's Elá that rounds the dark corner.

"Albert?" She asks.

"Yeah, it's me." I say.

"Wanna team up again?" She asks suddenly.

"Why? There are 6 people left, and we'll have to kill each other eventually." I say.

She sighs. "I was afraid you were gonna say that."

     I then see her unsling her crossbow. I get behind cover just as a bolt whizzes by my head.

     "D&mnit Elá!" I yell.

     "You're right." She says. "We will have to kill each other."


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