The Bloodbath

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Legend: Red is the Cornucopia, Yellow is the city, Purple is the Warehouses, Teal is the Sports Complex, the black squiggles on the left are the Highland Region, and the blue up north and the line down south are bodies of water.

Alright, so you sponsor your character by telling me what you want them to receive via PM or Comment. You can check what you can buy by checking your Credit amount in the "Sponsoring and Weapons" chapter. Without further ado, let's begin with the Interactive Hunger Games.

Third Person Perspective

     The Cue sounds and everybody rushes off of the pedestals.

     The Male from District 10 runs to the Cornucopia and finds a weapon. He tried to defend himself, but gets cut down by Nicholas Bane who finds a Sword.

     The Female from District 5 is impaled by the Female from District 12 by a Machete, But shortly after Albert Arlington throws a knife into her chest and picks up the machete.

     Moose Finbar and Turbo fight over a bag of supplies. Turbo wins and escapes at lightning speed. Moose runs south.

     The Female from District 7 is killed by Miyagi, who slices her throat with a pair of sais. Then he bolts to the east.

Elá, Albert, and Atlas run to the south with 2 supply bags, a Machete, and a set of Throwing Knives.

     Alli and Dr. IceFire run to the North with a bag of supplies and a map.

     Aiden, Liliac, Nicholas, and Vance establish control over the Cornucopia and all of its goods.

     Ophelia, Sidney, Orealis, Seraphina, and Roxella run to the south with a bag of supplies each.

     Luke and Ella run to the southeast with a dagger and a pack of food.

-Announcer: Woah! So 4 tributes died in the first couple minutes. And those were the tributes with an open spot. (Of course ima kill the bots first) Sucks to be them. Anyway, the bag of supplies that many people have contains a Simple Knife and a small pack of food and a canteen of water. So, that's what some of you are working with. This first chapter will be brief because I want to set up things without killing everyone off before they have a chance to do anything. If you want to sponsor or suggest something, PM or comment it. See you soon!

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