Night 3: Search

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- Atlas Superstes' Perspective-

     "Can you use that?" I ask Albert. He's holding a sword, training with it.

     "Somewhat." He replies. "Best weapon I've found so far."

     After we searched the building, we came back with some goodies. Albert had found some food, water, and the sword. I had stumbled across a Machete, and I can use them well so it was good. Elá hadn't returned yet. She had to search the upper stories of the tower.

     Just then, I hear footsteps on the staircase. The door pops open, and Elá walks into the lobby with a Crossbow.

     "How the F&ck did you find that?" Albert asks.

     "It was stowed away behind a wall. I saw it through a crack in the it, so I busted through it with my knife." She says. "Reloading it will be a b!tch, but I found 3 bolts."

     "We're doing good, aren't we?" I ask. It looks like we're set to win.

     "Looks like it." Albert says, standing up.

- Ella Whitney's Perspective-

I wake up to footsteps outside. I'm sweating in my bed, probably because of my dreams. More like nightmares.


Shuffles disturb my thoughts. Someone is outside my building, and I know it. I silently lift myself from my bed and look out of the second story window.

It's Orealis. The District 8 girl. She's walking through the street, hoping she has the cover of night. She's wrong.

I get up and grab my dagger and hurry downstairs. When I get to the first floor, she's almost gone. I walk out the broken, open door and start to sneak up on her.

     She turns around and sees me. Sh!t. I'm not quiet enough. She runs up on me, Knife in hand. I duck her swing, and swipe my dagger. It hits her arm, and her shirt starts to stain with blood. I hit her right hand, so she switches her knife to her weak hand.

     Game time. She starts to swing weakly with her arm. I get hold of it, get behind her, and put her to the ground. She manages to roll over, so I aim my dagger for her throat. She's strong, so her one arm is enough to slow it, but not enough.

Her hand slips, and is sliced by the dagger. Then she loses grip, and it plunged into her throat.

     What have I done? I've killed someone I didn't need to. This isn't me, this is me in the games. F&ck.

     Well, it is kill or be killed. Whatever. I put it in the back of my mind as I go back to my tower.

- Nicholas Bane's Perspective-

     "Well, who do you think we'll find next?" Vance asks.

     "Dunno, maybe 12." Aiden says.

     We were walking through the streets, hoping to find someone sleeping so we could kill them. I'm the only one that should win. We kill everyone else, me and Aiden kill Vance, and I kill Aiden. Easy.

     Then I hear a movement in the tower next to us, and something metal clanking around.

     xxXR3DBOSSXxx do you choose to: A: search the tower and give up the search of streets
B: Ignore and keep up the street search.


     Orealis Chen (by Dagger)


     A volcano is going to explode soon and wipe out the entire north end of the arena, leaving only the city and the far southern forest.
     IN DANGER: Kesuke Miyagi


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