Day 4: Wrath

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- Elána Tremas' Perspective -

     "Look!" I yell.

     As we are walking down the street, I see a sponsor parachute fly in to the west. It seems to have a large weapon in it, and the chute is glowing blue.

     "Think we could intercept it?" Atlas asks.

     "Yeah. If we're quick." Albert says.

     "But what if it's the Careers?" Atlas asks nervously.

     "We'll likely see them at some point." I say. "Let's get that drop."

     We break out into sprint down the old road. The chute has about a minute till it hits the ground. After what seemed like an eternity, we turned the street corner where the chute dropped. There in the road are the Careers.

     Aiden, Nicholas, and Vance. Aiden has a sword, Vance has a blade and shield, and Nicholas has a Dual Edged Sword. That's one of the rare weapons.

     "What, you think this is yours?" Nicholas yells. "Come and get it!"

     I pull out my Crossbow, and I aim at Bane. I pull the trigger, and the bolt starts flying. It misses him by just an inch, as he turns his head to dodge it. He stares at me confused.

     I drop my Crossbow, hooking my foot around the cocking stirrup. I grab hold of the cables, and pull up with all my strength. I manage to get it around the catch, so I pull an arrow and look up.

     The battle had started. Aiden and Nicholas were going after Albert, who was surprisingly holding his own. He knew more than I thought. Atlas was squaring off with Vance, however, and it wasn't going so well. His arm was bleeding from a large cut and he was losing his strength.

     Then Atlas misses a strike, and Vance's weapon impales his chest. He looks at Vance in fear. Fear of dying. Then he knocks him on the head with his shield, making the wound much more severe. Then he pulls the blade out, and Atlas drops to the ground dead.

     But then I see Aiden's body sprawled on the ground. Dead. His face was blank, blood dripping from his mouth. Definitely dead.

     Vance runs to Albert as he blocks one of Bane's swings. I then recognize what he's about to do- fake him. One blade of the sword moves his guard, and he swings low with the other.

     I aim the Crossbow and shoot, hoping to hit Bane. And I do. The bolt flies through his hand, passing out the other side. It severs his grip on the sword, and he drops it. Vance moves in, and prevents Albert from taking him out.

     Nicholas looks up, seeing me fiddling with the reload. He grabs the sword with his other hand and gets up, charging slowly towards me. But he's slow. Maybe I can get another shot loaded-

     Not enough time. He's getting close. I turn to run, hoping Albert can fend off Vance. But I get tripped by Bane. He swipes his sword at my shoe and I tumble over on the pavement, bloodied. He brings down his sword, but I put my Crossbow up to block it and it works.

     "Your- you're dead, nu- now!" He grunts, pushing as much force down as he can with his left arm. I then get an idea. I pull my knife and try to stab his side, hoping he'll fall off. He moves his other arm up to block it, and holds onto the hilt.

     I know I have the advantage through. With the weight of my left arm overpowering his wounded hand, if he doesn't stop this will be game over for him. But he realizes that as soon as the blade pokes his side. He lets off of the sword, giving me enough time to roll away. I look back before I run, but I don't see Albert or Vance.

     I run into the city, slowly outrunning the strong but slow Nicholas. All I can think of is anger as I run past Atlas' body.

     - Allison Ams' Perspective -

     "We need to get you some medical supplies. This cut is pretty bad." I say to Dave. "That wood got in deep."

     "I know." He says, living it with his hands onto a chair. "Let's search tonight."

- Vance Matson's Perspective -

     "God d&mnit." I mutter to myself as I'm slumped over in a building.

     That bast&rd got away. F$ck you, 5. I look down at my stomach. He cut me up pretty badly, but I made sure to return the favor. We ran as soon as we both were hurt so much we couldn't fight.

     Where's Bane? He ran after that one girl, but we got completely split up after that fight. Not to mention Aiden is dead. I did kill one of them though.


     Bane. There's no way that b!tch could've beaten him, right?

     A shot of pain goes up my body from my gash, and I hold it in pain. I need meds. Now. If I don't get them by tonight, I'll surely pass out and get infected or bleed out.

     lonelypavements Do you choose to:
A: Search a pharmacy to find the meds you need.
B: Sponsor Vance with a Med Kit (See if LyssaLoo521 will help you to afford it.


Atlas Superstes (Impaled by Vance Matson)
Aiden Jackson (Throat slashed by Albert Arlington)


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