Day 7: Convergence

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- Vance Matson's Perspective -

I won't die like this. It's now or never to make my move. I raise my hand to hold her arm out, while kicking my right leg back into her shin. She loses grip of the knife, and stumbles over holding her leg in pain.

I had made a wound in her about the size of a half dollar coin. I realize the kick must've broken her leg. Didn't know I was that good at kicking.

"F&ck!" She yells. "No!"

"I didn't want this." I say, tearing up. "Any of this."

She just stares at me with distraught and terror. She's crying hard at this point.

"I'm sorry."

With that, I take my knife and plunge it into the side of her neck. Her eyes open wide, looking right at me. She's absolutely terrified. Then her eyes shut with one last weep, and she falls to the side.

Ella is dead.

     What have I become? I've given in to what the Capitol wants - a ruthless kill fest. Why did I become this?

     I fall to the ground, bawling my eyes out. This isn't the person I am or who I should be. F&ck the Capitol. F&ck their games.

     What can I do to hurt the Capitol the most?

     I know. It's a great toll, but I will finally make up for what I've done. What I've become. But there's something that must be done first.

     Someone has to die.

- Albert Arlington's Perspective -

     "I know. If this is how it needs to happen, then let it be girl." I say.

     "Game time, Al." She says. It sounds muffled from here due to corners. "I'm sorry."

      I then run out into the open. I catch her off guard, as she's loading a bolt into her Crossbow. I punch her, and she falls over. She stands up and draws a knife. I've got her pinned in a corner of a dining room.

     "That's pretty cheap, Al." She says.

     "Are you saying I should care? You're just another tribute now." I say.

     She rushes me and swings her knife, grazing my hair. She actually chopped some off. I then fake with a punch, and she reaches her knife to it. She barely cuts my hand before I swing my knife.

     It cuts clear across her throat. She's stunned for a second, almost paralyzed as red liquid starts trailing from her throat. She then makes a movement, reaching her hand up to her throat as she gurgles on blood.

     She drops to her knees.

     "Look at- at you." She says. "I didn't p- plan you fo- for sh!t."

     Then she falls to the side after one last noise. I could care less. She wanted to use me, and now she's paid the price

- Nicholas Bane's Perspective -

     "Alright, Dave." I say. "You took Alli from my squad. So you gonna die."

     "Let's see." He says.

     I walk up to him, swinging my axe. He catches it with the scythe and pushes it away, before swinging at me. He makes a cut on my bad arm.

     "F&ck." I say, before charging at him. He swings his scythe high, trying to swipe at my head. He misses, and the axe slams him in the gut.

"Ah..." He says in shock. He splits his scythe into daggers before throwing one at me with the last of his strength. One hits me in the leg, and the other one misses.

He falls to the floor dead.

"F&ck!" I yell in pain, pulling the knife out of my leg. It isn't bleeding too bad, but I begin to patch it up. Don't want to lose more blood then I have to.

Then I hear a voice. It's an announcer.


The ash cloud will be moving in, pushing everyone to the river shore. Whoever doesn't make it will be suffocated in the ash cloud. Don't be late!

Ella Whitney (Stabbed in neck by Vance Matson)
Elána Tremas (Zipper installed in throat by Albert Arlington)
Dave Ishida ("Got Guts?" by Nicholas Bane)

The Proximity Alert is no longer available for use.


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