Day 2: Broken

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- Third Person -

As the Careers walk to Luke and Travis, Ella walks behind them silently.

"Your turn, Travis." Bane says. "This is where you die."

Then Ella walks up to Liliac, the last in the line, and plunges her knife into her throat. Aiden turns around and notices.

"Liliac!" Aiden screams, and charges Ella. He knocks her on the ground, and they engage in a fight.

Bane plunges his axe into Turbo's back. He dies instantly. Luke managed to get up and run, but Bane and Vance are soon upon him.

Aiden is on top of Ella, pushing a knife slowly towards her throat. She starts kneeing Aiden in his nuts, and after 3 or 4 times he loses his stance and gets thrown off.

Aiden swipes his knife at Ella, and makes a sizable cut on her left arm. Blood starts flowing, but she gets up and runs away. Aiden can't immediately follow because the pain in his crotchety impairs his movement.

Ella charges into the battle with Luke, Nicholas, and Vance. They've been slowly tearing down Luke. Ella runs to stab Nicholas in the back, but he knows and elbows her hard in the face. This knocks her down. Bane swings down with his axe, but she rolls out of the way and gets back up.

Then Luke gets stabbed in the gut. At this point, Ella bolts away crying. Luke is basically immobilized and Bane chops his chest with the axe.

- Ella Whitney's Perspective -

     I wake up inside a dark tower. Sunlight is pouring through thin blinds over the windows, and wind starts blowing through the floor. I hear birds chirping inside.

     I look around. My left arm is caked with blood and dirt, and the floor next to it is stained red. The cut is messily clotted. I look up, and I'm in an old apartment. A bathroom is to my right, and I walk in there.

     I turn the faucet to the sink, but water doesn't flow. I guess it isn't that easy. I'm in the games after all.


     I can't remember much but running. Just running for a while in the morning. Or night? It was somewhat dark outside, but it's not anymore.

     I get up, hearing something outside. It sounds like a horn. No, an anthem. The Capitol Anthem. I am in the games. Not dead.

     I pull open the blinds, and the sunlight blinds me for a second, but after my eyes adjust I look to the sky.

     It's the death list. It's being projected in the sky.

     "District 7 Female"

     Don't know about that one. I think it was in the Bloodbath.

     "Sidney White"

     No clue.

     "Liliac Ridear"

     Sh!t. It starts coming back to me now. It was me, I killed her. In the fight.

     "Travis Rodriguez"

     I remember him. He tackled Luke in the clearing. Luke. Where's Luke?!

     "Luke Muelles"

     The anthem sounds and the projection disappears. I fall backwards onto the old carpeted floor. No, no. Luke can't be dead. There's no way! I remember him getting tag teamed, but still I thought he got away.

     I notice I'm crying.

     I look in the mirror in the bathroom. I look like absolute sh!t. My hair is dirty, I have numerous small cuts, and a black eye. I'm caked with dirt.

     I see my knife on the ground in the living room. Nice to know I have my weapon. I begin to search the cabinets. There's only a little bit of food in here, and I only found one canteen of water.

     I search around more. In the kid's room is a backpack, and in the other bedroom is a- wow. It's a pair of Brass Knuckles. Light, easy to use, and deadly.

This is what I need. I decide to search the whole tower, hoping to find more stuff.

- Aiden Jackson's Perspective-

"Aiden!" I hear Nicholas yell. "Snap out of it!"

"Bane, that girl that killed Liliac is still alive!" I shout. "When we find her we are going to kill her!"

"I'm not against that." He says. "But there is still a game going on. You gotta focus!"

"Fine. Chill, ok?" I say with a sigh.

He doesn't say anything as we walk into the city.

- Moose Finbar's Perspective -

     Great. Just great.

     I see Turbo's name in the sky. He took my supplies, and now he's dead. I could've used those too. I'd have used them a lot better than he ever would. I get up from my chair in the warehouse. I dozed off during the night and woke to the Capitol anthem.

     "Let's go Moose. Gotta get so-" I begin to say, but I trip on a stack of books and I fall out of the container. Then I slide through a sewer pipe, trying to grab on to anything I can. I start falling off of a cliff, where the pipe let's out.

     I start screaming. Then a huge force hits me and I see myself flying into the air above the warehouses.

     The force field.

     I see the concrete coming closer and closer to my face and then all I see is white.


Hey, would you look at that battle! Anyways, here's the death list so far:
-District 10 Male (Sword by Nicholas Bane)
-District 5 Female (Machete by District 12 Female)
-District 12 Female (Knife by Albert Arlington)
-District 7 Female (Sais by Kesuke Miyagi)
-Sidney White (Knife by Roxella Archer)
-Liliac Ridear (Knife by Ella Whitney)
-Travis Rodriguez (Axe by Nicholas Bane)
-Luke Muelles (Blade by Vance Matson)
-Moose Finbar (Didn't stick the landing)

     Reminder, sponsors. You can sponsor your tribute. Some of you have enough to get them a Weapon, food and water, and some other useful things. Don't forget your potential advantage!


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