Night 2: Savagery

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- Alli's Perspective -

     "Can we rest for a bit?" I ask. It had been a whole day of walking. The cornucopia was empty, and we had snatched a bow from it. I knew how to use one, as it was what I used to hunt.

     "Sure." Dave says tiredly. We walk into an old building at the north end of the city. Inside wasn't much, but there were a few chairs. The stairs to the second floor were collapsed and broken. The walls were dull and mostly empty.

     "Before we sit down, you wanna look upstairs?" I ask. Who knows what could be up there.

     "Sure." Dave says. "Help me up."

     "Alright." I say, and I hold my hands out under his foot. He steps on it and gets a hold on the floor, before hoisting himself up onto it."

     "Here." He says, holding out his hands. I grab on and he pulls me up. The floor above has a hallway to the left and one door to the right.

"I'll look to the left, you check the right." He says. I nod, and I open the door.

To the right is another door and on the left is a bed with a mattress and an old dusty dresser. I open the door on the right and I find a closet, which has a single apple.

Then I hear the screams of Dave and a large crack. Then another crack and a scream.

I run to that room. It's empty, but the bottom floorboards must have given away. Apparently the ground floor one did the same and he fell all the way to the basement.

I turn around to run to the first floor, but I see a girl in the doorway. Freakishly pale and just downright freaky. Seraphina. The religious nut.

"Shh." She says putting her hands to her mouth, and closing the door and locking it. She does it just before I get there, and I hear quick footsteps.

"No!" I scream, pounding my fists on the door.

okcacia Do you choose to take time and break down the door or jump down to Dave?

- Ophelia Moon's Perspective -

     I stand in the lobby, wishing I could have the gut to go up the tower. I hate heights, more than anything. Even if there is food and stuff I can't go up there.

     Then I hear footsteps. Behind me. I spin around, and see Amadeus, the District 7 Savage, standing there with a machete.

     "Don't make this harder than it needs to be, girl." He says. He has a devilish smile on and is toying with his weapon.

     I bolt towards the other side of the building. I can hear his footsteps; they're right behind me. It would take too long to get to the door. I go for the window, hopping into the sill. I turn around, but realize he's already here. I feel a pain in my fingers and fall to the ground below.

     I get up, and see my left hand's fingers are broken and sliced. My pinkie, ring, and middle finger are all sliced completely off, and my pointer finger is oozing blood. I can't move, I'm too in shock. Then I see Amadeus run towards me, and blood starts spewing from throat.

     - Aiden Jackson's Perspective -

     I see Amadeus tear the girl's throat, and she falls over very dead. This won't be an easy fight.

     "Vance, put one of your traps over there." I say, pointing towards the door to the tower behind him. "Bane, you and me will push him back into the trap."

     "Sounds good." Bane says.

     "Will do." Vance says.

     Vance jogs down the road, and Bane and I go the other way. We then pop out of the alley, and get his attention. I see Vance placing the bear trap down behind him.

     "Look who showed up to die." Bane says. "You know, you worried me at the start. But now, you're just screwed."

     "Oh please. You fight like a d&mn trainee." He says.

     That sets him off. With all his time of fighting, Bane hates people that say he sucks at it. He charges him, and their weapons lock. I run to them, and swing at him. He dodges though, pushing Bane away and he stumbles over.

     I run to Amadeus, and we engage in a blade lock. I see Vance running up behind me, but he runs around and helps from my side. He's pushing him back. Genius.

     As we work to push him back, Nicholas runs to us and swings his axe on him with all of his strength. He manages to block it, but he's knocked down and backs up to regain his stance.

     And walks straight into the trap.

     He falls down, his leg in agony. Bane wastes no time plunging his axe into his head. It's not a pleasant sight.

     "Talk sh!t, get hit." He says, walking to take the girl's supplies.


     Ophelia Moon (Machete by Amadeus)
     Amadeus (Battle Axe by Nicholas Bane)

     The Arena will always be adapting to the situation. Starting tomorrow, their will be torrential rain. The rivers and lakes will be flooding, along the south half of the city and the north shore of the river. The lakes will be flooded as well, eliminating the Sports Complex.

On the map on this chapter, anything inside the orange boxes will be underwater.


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