The Cessation

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- Albert Arlington's Perspective -

I see the ash cloud move in on one of the towers. It gets enveloped, and I know if I don't move now I'll be swallowed by it.

I get up from my room and grab my sword, before running out. I make sure to pick up Elá's Crossbow before I leave. Then I bolt southeast, towards the river.

I start to run hard through the streets of the city, my feet stomping the ground as I go. I remember who's left. I checked the list every night, after all. It's Bane and Vance. I may have a huge fight on me, where they need to be wounded in order for me to win.

I approach the river, apparently first here. It's a desolate park, flooded by the torrential rains. It's a good final site, I'll give it that.

- Nicholas Bane's Perspective -

I'm running as fast as I can with a leg wound. Worst time to get one. Absolutely worst time. Then I hear footsteps to my left. I pull my axe, and see it's Vance with his blade and shield.

"Vance." I say. "Wanna kill the last together?"

"Yes." He responds. "Let's."

But before we go, we hear a sponsor whistle? And a small parachute falls out of the sky. I can't quite make it out, until a couple feet lower. It's canned food.

"The hell, I don't need food." I say. "It's the final hour!"

"Me neither." Vance says. "Cmon, the ash cloud is closing in.

We then take off for the river, knowing it's time to win. We kill the last, whoever it is, and I turn on Vance. Game over. Easy mode.

We eventually reach the river side, where it looks empty as of now. Until I spot him. It's Albert. That a$$hole. I almost killed him a couple days ago. In the fight with Vance.

And Aiden.

I'll kill him.

Then Vance.

And it'll be victory.

"ALBERT!" I yell. Vance jumps slightly.

He continues to just walk towards us. He looks determined. And sort of scared. No, not really. Somewhat. My thoughts are scatterbrained. I can't really think straight, probably because of adrenaline and hype. I can get out, and I'll be remembered.

"So, this is it huh?" I hear Albert yell. "End of the line for you?"

"Don't get so cocky, 5." I say. "Let's end this, once and for all."

"Then get to it, 2." I hear him say.

"Gladly." I say, and Vance follows me to Albert.

Then I feel a burning pain in my chest. All throughout, too. It's searing pain. I suddenly can't breathe. It's as if everything in my body is crashing down at once.

I look down and see something ridiculous....

- Albert Arlington's Perspective-

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